comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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Unable to Stay youaredriving August 12 2011, 03:48:09 UTC
Sam wasn’t sure when it happened. He wasn’t sure if the demon was the one to pull the blade across it’s vessel’s throat or if he did it in effort to stop it from attacking Dean or if it happened some other way. All Sam knew was there was blood all over him. Dean was lying on the dirty cement floor next to the gurgling vessel.

“Sam,” Dean’s voice was an echo, miles away.

He could smell the blood. Oh god, could he smell it. A dark sickness coiled tight in his gut, urging him to have a taste but at the same time it recoiled back in disgust.

The warmth of Dean’s hands and the constant rumble of his voice brought Sam to the surface. He was shaking and all he could do was stare at the blood on his hands.

“Sammy,” Dean’s voice was soft as he let his hands grip the sides of Sam’s face trying to get his brother to look at anything but the blood. “Come on Sam, you gotta look at me.”

Sam’s eyes flickered up to the blood spackled freckles on Dean’s cheeks before he let out a strangled cry, “Help me.” He curled his fingers into Dean’s jacket as his eyes strayed back towards his blood soaked hands, “Help me.”

Dean hastily wiped at Sam’s hands trying to clean as much of the mess up as possible before he gave up and tugged Sam towards the Impala. “I’ve got you, Sam. Just a few minutes.”

Sam sat vacant in the car seat. His body shaking and his eyes slammed shut tightly. Dean couldn’t drive fast enough to the motel. He couldn’t park the car and get Sam into their room fast enough. He yanked at Sam’s clothes, undressing himself and Sam the entire way to the bathroom.

The water was scalding but cold water wouldn’t get them clean enough. He didn’t like the vacant look in Sam’s eyes. He looked so lost. No amount of scrubbing seemed to help.

“Help,” Sam whispered softly through the steam. His fingers dug into Dean’s shoulders, “Please.”

“I’ve got you,” Dean murmured back. “You’re okay. I’m here, Sam. I’m here.”

The water had started to cool before Dean got Sam out of the shower. Sam shivered through the quick towel dry and the walk to the bed. Sam curled up beneath the covers. His fingers dug deep into the sheets. Dean slipped beneath the sheets and tugged Sam as close to him as he could manage.
Dean’s voice was soft and cracked on his words as he spoke into Sam’s shoulder, “You’re okay. I promised that you’d be okay and you are. You’re okay.”

“So much,” Sam whispered, “So much blood.”

“It’s gone Sam. Just you and me.” Dean placed a palm over Sam’s rapidly beating hard and marveled at the way it had begun to slow under his tentative touches.

Sam’s hiccupping breaths turned into soft sighs before he rolled to face Dean with sleepy eyes. Sam’s arms pulling Dean as close as comfortable, “Just you and me.”


Re: Unable to Stay beatlemaniac9 August 12 2011, 03:51:00 UTC
Thank you so much for writing this! It turned out awesome!


Re: Unable to Stay jagfanlj August 18 2011, 07:10:17 UTC
A dark sickness coiled tight in his gut, urging him to have a taste but at the same time it recoiled back in disgust.

That one got to me. Well done.


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