comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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Filled: Relief 1/2 si_star_x August 5 2011, 09:04:29 UTC
If it were the other way around, Dean would probably be as far from Sam as possible. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to picture him half-way across the parking lot - anywhere to avoid being touched - with his arms bracing his chest with a stoic expression etched deeply through the lines of pain. As it was, it was Sam who had taken the brunt of the fall. At least three ribs were all cracked on the left side, starting from the bottom and cracking in turn like a twisted push of dominoes, bruising at least the next two ribs above too.

This was Dean's professional diagnosis and Sam grudgingly agreed. There was nothing to suggest that it was anything more serious, Dean's gentle pushing and probing saw to that, and holy - it had hurt. Sam hadn't blacked out but he could still feel Dean's fingers digging into his ribcage. He thought come morning he would have bruises in the shape of hands across his already mottled torso, but in truth, Dean had ghosted across his brother's smooth body and had pulled back the moment he felt no inward caving of bone.

Besides, Sam knew that he would have been kept in for a day at least if they had risked a trip to the emergency department, and that wouldn't have been easy on either than them. So as it was, Dean decided to check them into a motel for the night, or possibly the next five.

The rise from the Impala had been a struggle with Sam's fingers clawing into Dean's shoulders, and now en route to the motel room, Sam didn't even think being the stoic and calm one was possible.

He was clinging on to Dean for dear life and letting out a constant string of soft whimpers just because he couldn't quite bring himself to groan. It hurt too much, he had learnt, and even talking caused too much vibration. Walking hurt like a bitch too, and even that ridiculously short journey from the Impala to the motel felt like a life time.

Under the cover of darkness, Dean propped up his brother for just a few seconds as he fumbled with the key and let them into the room. He had booked them a huge queen bed and although he knew he would probably be faced with sprawling out across the floor for a few days, the look of gratitude across Sam's pained express was enough to make it worthwhile.

“Thanks,” Sam whispered, his teeth biting tightly together as he heard the familiar rustle of a pharmacy-grade bag, filled with medication that wasn't quite prescription. Regardless of their origin, the injured Winchester couldn't wait for the meds to be in his system. He just wanted to be so pumped up that he could float away to sleep, pretend he was sleeping on a cloud rather than a springy mattress that would probably feel like knives driving up into his bruised and damaged body.

Dean watched the cogs as they turned in Sam's head, his kid brother obviously over thinking the thought of being in a motel and about to be drugged up to his eyeballs. He kept his grip light on the soft hoodie that covered bare flesh - they had already played the game of removing Sam's over shirt and under shirt and whatever else he had been wearing. Dean had acted quickly out in the field and the adrenaline in Sam's system had caused the action to be a lot less painful than if he had done that now. If he tried to jostle and jerk Sam right now, there would undoubtedly be a lot less sound in the room as the tall guy stumbled into oblivion.

“C'mon,” Dean's voice was low and purposeful as he made small steps into the room, keeping Sam's pace and not tugging or forcing him to move, because he knew how broken ribs were. He had never had that many before though, and he figured it would just about constitute as agony. He didn't particularly like seeing the pitiful expression, nor did those pained sounds do anything but cause him to steam with anger.

“Comin' as fast as I...” Sam took a halting breath and gasped. He near-doubled over as the action caused a bolt of white-hot pain through his battered torso, “shit, ow, Dean,”

Long fingers curled into Dean's jacket and he got on Sam's right side, keeping his grip supportive to hold him up and be able to simultaneously rub his hand in gentle soothing motions along his brother's spine.


Filled: Relief 2/2 si_star_x August 5 2011, 09:04:56 UTC
Never in public, but here, now? Sam was hurting and in some way Dean could have prevented it - no, screw that age-old explanation for Dean caring for his brother, he didn't just feel guilty. He felt worried, concerned, and just wanted to help ease the pain. That was it. He didn't need justification.

“You'll feel better on the bed.” Dean offered softly, pulling away when he felt Sam's breathing even out. He wished it was the truth, but he knew broken ribs caused every damn position to smart, and lying down probably wouldn't ease up the pain any. If anything, lying horizontally would probably cause more pressure and thus more pain. “Like a band-aid, Sammy, come on.”

Dean was going for soothing but he snorted at himself, almost.

“Hurts,” Sam managed to whisper from behind the strands of hair that had fallen into his face. His fingers were still clutching at Dean and those few steps between their position and the bed felt like a mile. The prospect of sitting down, causing his broken ribs to shift and grind and move as he sat upright... “I'll stay here.”

Dean smiled and moved around to the right again, bracing Sam tighter against him. His brother probably had logic because standing was likely going to exert less pressure against his bruised body. If Dean wasn't exhausted himself, he would have held him up all night.

“Get some of this in ya,” he crumbled the bag but didn't dare shift his arm away from Sam. He held the bag against his body and reached in, pulling out a bottle of liquid narcotic - Morphine, maybe, he wasn't quite sure - but Bobby had been.

Forgoing the spoon he wrestled the lid from the bottle, having to manhandle Sam a little to achieve the release and wincing himself as he felt those whimpers again.

“Open wide,” he chuckled, and then dripped the liquid into Sam's mouth. Sam was good to have two spoonfuls, Dean knew, and his precise droplets were no more than that.

Sam leant against Dean as he felt the fast-acting liquid take hold. He knew it wasn't going to make him painless - he wasn't going to be getting into the shower even though he needed one, and he probably wasn't going to be able to sleep, or be comfortable, or feel like his chest was actually in one piece... but at least he might make it to the bed.


Re: Filled: Relief 2/2 madebyme_x August 5 2011, 10:26:01 UTC
I'm so pleased that you filled this prompt and you did an awesome job too! You really captured Sam's pain where even small movements cause agony, plus you also added some worried Dean! Thank you, I really enjoyed this!


Re: Filled: Relief 2/2 si_star_x August 5 2011, 10:54:42 UTC
You're quite welcome! I had fun with it this morning, I wanted to write something for this meme (because it's hurt!Sam! How could I pass up the opportunity...?)

I'm glad that you liked it. I have a real 'thing' for pain - heh - so I'm glad I captured it well. And of course I had to have Dean along for the ride.

Thank you for the fun prompt, I'm glad you enjoyed my fill!


Re: Filled: Relief 2/2 vail_kagami August 5 2011, 21:59:10 UTC
That was an awesome fill! I'm really feeling with Sammy here. And caring Dean is my favourite kind of Dean.


Re: Filled: Relief 2/2 si_star_x August 5 2011, 22:08:07 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked the fic. Sometimes I feel bad for hurting Sam, but then... he's so adorable. And Dean's awesome. ^^


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Re: Filled: Relief 2/2 si_star_x August 9 2011, 07:14:44 UTC
I haven't either, but of course my aim was for maximum discomfort.

Gah, I'm so mean... Thank you for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :)


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