Prison Break -- NC-17 -- Sam/Dean

Aug 01, 2011 13:26

Title: Prison Break
Author: de_nugis
Rating/Pairing: NC-17; Sam/Dean
Warnings, Spoilers: bondage; spoilers through 6.17
Wordcount: c4600
Disclaimer: don't own, don't profit
Summary: a lot of sexual healing (in a bathtub), a cameo's worth of giant slug, and oodles of emo porn
A/N: This is a late birthday fic for deirdre_c. It would be nice if I could say it was late because of the LJ troubles, but my record suggests it would have been even later if being cut off from reading hadn't caused me to spend more time writing. Its tardiness in no way reflects on the wonderfulness of its recipient, or the sincerity of my wish that she enjoy many happy returns of the day.

Oh yeah, Dean’s figured it out. Death’s intrepid detective solved this case, even if he’s still got no clue what’s up with the souls. Dean’s specialty always was the case of the Sam.

.pairing » sam/dean, crying, psychological trauma, » fic, .genre » wincest

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