012 - [theme: crossovers; 2 gen]

Jul 08, 2011 15:59

two more crossover recs, with a decent amount of hurt!sam! both fics can be read without being familiar with the crossover show (i haven't seen burn notice or criminal minds, but i enjoyed the stories very much). if you read, please consider leaving feedback for the hardworking authors of these stories!

rec by harrigan:
supernatural/burn notice

title. smoke on the water
author. ratherastory
rating. pg13
words. @20k?
characters. sam, dean, cast of burn notice
warnings. none
summary. casefic. former spy michael westen has enough problems of his own ― not least of which is figuring out who burned him and why. now, on top of that, his mother is accepting jobs on his behalf. he really doesn't have time for this, but when he starts investigating the unsolved deaths of young people in miami, he finds himself crossing paths with an unlikely pair of brothers. in michael's line of work, suspicion is par for the course, and he has to figure out whether sam and dean winchester are friends or foes before even more lives are lost.
reccer's comments. written for the 2010 spn-summergen and one of my favorites. awesome opov (100% in keeping with the burn notice style - but you don't need to be familiar with the show to be delighted with this.) all the characters are spot on, there's action/adventure and, yes, hurt!sam, too! fantastically fun ride!

rec by mod
supernatural/criminal minds

title. a fate worse than
author. ninhursag (aka vaingirlfic)
rating. pg-13
words. 3,700
characters. dean, sam, jason gideon of criminal minds
warnings off-screen non-con and extreme violence.
summary. when sam is kidnapped while john is on a hunt, dean is desperate. if he can't save his brother, is there anything he can do?
reccer's comments. a chilling fic. there are no easy fixes here.

sexual abuse: non-con, injury, psychological trauma, .genre » gen, !recs

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