Sam-focused h/c challenge Master List!

May 26, 2011 01:02

Intrepid members of ohsam, your wayward mod has finally gotten her act together and finished putting together the Master List for the Sam-focused h/c fic challenge. So here it is, for your reading pleasure!

Many thanks to mimblexwimble who very graciously stepped up to help me when I was in over my head and picked up a LOT of the slack on this.

Also, this list is based off the fiction that was listed under the &fic challenge tag. If your fic is NOT on this list, it either means you didn't tag it correctly, or I missed it (entirely possible). Should that be the case, please either comment here or send me a PM, and I will happily add it to the list. If you posted after March 2nd under amnesty, your fic will not be on the list and should be tagged &amnesty.

I am sorry for the delay, and thank you to everyone who participated and made this challenge such a success!

Master List


vail_kagami: Drawing Outlines (of Us, with Chalk on the Asphalt)
Summary: Dean's inability to trust his brother becomes life-threatening when Sam is injured fighting demons.
PG-13 | 5,218 words | Some violence, OC death | Sam, Dean, Bobby


minviendha: The Hashish-Eater
Summary: Worst locked room puzzle ever.
PG-13 | 3,981 words | detox, self-mutilation, blood-drinking | Sam, Dean, Bobby


vail-kagami: Foreign Languages
Summary: When Sam's soul returned from hell, so did his visions of death and destruction. Dean really wishes they hadn't.
PG-13 | 6,742 words | self-harm, allusions to past torture, abuse, suicide attempt | Sam, Dean, Bobby, Castiel


cherry916: Growing Up is a Part of Life, Kid
Summary: Sometimes Dean doesn't realize how fast Sam is growing.
PG | ~3,000 words | no warnings | Sam, Dean


vail_kagami: One Breath
Summary: Three people are standing by as Sam dies. One of them is himself.
G | 2,122 words | death, outside POV | Sam, Dean, a reaper


greeneyes_fan: The Eleventh Marker
Summary: Sam cracks his pelvis somewhere remote. Dean must build a travois and pull Sam to help.
PG-13 | 2,000 words | Oblique descriptions of bodily functions and the possible ickyness of major trauma. | Sam, Dean


cherry916: Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum in a Dish
Summary: Dean's beating up kids left and right and all Sammy's left with is a severe dislike of gum.
G| ~2,500 words | swearing | Sam, Dean, OCs


m14mouse: Interconnection
Summary: When Sam's body is unconscious, he connects with his soul. He knows the tortures his soul is experiencing and his soul finds out everything what he was doing.
R| ~2,000 words | descriptions of hell | Sam, Dean, Adam, Michael, Lucifer


vicious_trade: If I never see your face again (I don't mind)
Summary: Sometimes Sam just gets this look in his eye. Fevers and listlessness and swollen glands are always T-minus twenty-four hours at that point.
PG-13| 6,000 words | no warnings | Sam, Dean, OCs


running_hot: Shiver and Quiver, Little Tree
Summary: He is hypothermic when he wakes. Cold, bare feet, dumb and shaking hands, lips that might be blue if he could see them. He is half-blind in the daytime as if he's stared too long at the sun. He doesn't know his name, he doesn't know where he's from, he only knows that he has to go home.
PG| 6,800 words | no warnings | Sam, Dean, OCs


jennytork: Just One More Thing
Summary: Sam is injured worse in the crash than was shown. So, being a Winchester, he tries to hide it.
PG-13| 2,000 words | no warnings | Sam, Dean, Bobby


asilia: Lost and Found
Summary: Sam gets his soul back and now has to deal with all the trauma of his time in hell and the year of being without Dean.
PG-13| 2,440 words | spoilers for season 6 | Sam, Dean, Bobby


vonnie836: Consequences of a Wish
Summary: Dean makes a wish, but is he ready to deal with the consequences?
PG-13| 12,894 words | spoilers for season 6 | Sam, Dean, John, Mary, Lisa, Bobby, Ben


cosmic_medusa: Occam's Razor
Summary: John Winchester kept two journals. Neither Sam nor Dean ever knew about the secret journal: the coded one that had everything John knew or suspected about Sam, himself.
PG-13| ~26,000 words | spoilers through 4.12 | Sam, Dean, John


harrigan: Bait
Summary: Sam's not making it out of this one. He's alone, he's badly hurt, he's way the heck in the middle of nowhere, and it's starting to snow. But, miraculously, his cell phone is working. There are some things he wants to say to Dean, and this is his last chance.
PG-13| 7,2410 words | no warnings | Sam, Dean, Ben


radiumgirl: Something Borrowed
Summary: When they manage to get Sam's soul back into his body, he isn't so sure anymore. Instead of a cold, unfeeling shell he gets an insane wreck who is completely overwhelmed by the memories of centuries of neverending physical and emotional torture. Unfortunately, Dean can't deal with this on his own and eventually Sam ends up in a mental hospital.
PG-13/mild R| 6,577 words | no warnings | Sam, Dean, Cas, Bobby


emmram: Each Our Own Devil
Summary: In a bid to communicate with Lucifer, demons attack Sam and Dean and take one of Sam's eyes. Truths are revealed and the civil wars in Heaven and Hell come to a head as the brothers struggle to cope.
R| ~13,500 words | spoilers for season 6, violence, gore, disturbing imagery | Sam, Dean, others


twilightshours: Stroke
Summary: Sam gets heatstroke.
PG-13| 7,000 words | language | Sam, Dean


moviegeek03: Lights Will Guide You Home
Summary: AU to beginning of S6--Sam shows up at Dean's door after he gets hurt while hunting with the Campbells.
PG-13| 7,000 words | language | Sam, Dean


electricalgwen: Dolor Ibi Est
Summary: They are in full throttle research mode when Sam manages to drop a dictionary on his foot. A seriously heavy dictionary -- say the Oxford Latin Dictionary, since it's not online. A lot of swearing from Sam, a lot of mocking from Dean, till Dean realizes that the foot actually is broken. Pretty nastily broken, as it turns out. Followed by a trip to the ER and a few weeks of Sam on crutches, with Dean alternately being helpful and telling every witness they interview a new, embarrassing, and completely fictitious story about how Sam broke his foot. Finally Dean's moronic how-could-anyone-hurt-themselves-with-a-book brother has to do some seriously kickass stuff on nasty terrain, broken foot and all, getting them out of a tight spot, and there is sarcastic, concerned, bantery bonding.
PG-13 | 8,500 words | Sam, Dean


primrose_1: Heroes
Summary: What happens when you meet a legend?
PG | 3,286 words | Sam, Dean, OC


4422shini: A Life Dismantled
Summary: Sometime before Sam learns the truth, he gets kidnapped/menaced and hurt by a human-looking monster. John rescues him in bad-ass hunting mode, dispatching the creature violently. Sammy ends up traumatized by the ordeal, and frightened of his father.
R | 4,200 words | Sam, John, Monster | Wee!chesters


minviendha: Those Who Walk in Darkness
Summary: Sam dies without anyone ever realizing that his soul is still in Hell.
PG-13 to R | 5,883 words | references to torture, gore, creepy imagery | Sam, Dean, Castiel


geckoholic: You Breathe, Alive
Summary: A month since Death gave him his soul back, two weeks since they left Bobby's, and this is their third case since then. Takes place in the netherland between 6.12 and 6.13, and is most likely soon to be Gamble'd: Dean's walking on eggshells around Sam, still affected by robo!Sam's behaviour and worried anything he says might cause crack - until Sam's almost taken from him again.
PG-13 | 3,724 words | Sam, Dean


twilightshours: lest you be consumed
Summary: "Haste and escape for your lives, look not behind you, escape to the mountain, lest you be consumed." Sam has a case of hypothermia that may leave him with a bad case of frost bite.
PG-13 | 4,400 words | Sam, Dean, Castiel


justmmy: Fall Into the Sky
Summary: Post-apocalyptic world filled with dangers but nothing the Winchesters couldn't handle - except that as soon as they find a relatively safe, secure place to settle, Sam develops severe agoraphobia and doesn't want to leave their house.
R | 9,346 words | Sam, Dean, OMCs


vail-kagami: Along the Way
Summary: During a stop in California, the brothers run into some guys with connections to Sam Sam doesn't want to think about and Dean can't ignore.
PG-13 | 5,301 words | mentions of non-con | Sam, Dean, OCs, (past Sam/Jess)


emmram: The Greatest of These Ties
Summary: Sam is back, but so are his visions: visions in which he sees Lucifer coming ever so closer to reclaiming what was his. Sam knows he's not getting out of this one, but at least he can save Dean.
PG-13 | 4,300 words | blood, gore, swearing, suggestive scenes | Sam, Dean


cece-away: Fishing for Mermaids
Summary: Sam is attacked and captured by the Baddie of the Week, which happens to be some sort of aquatic or amphibious beastie. The creature drags Sam to its seaside lair in a cave and immobilizes him there, cold, wet, and injured. Naturally Dean tracks him down, but by the time he finds Sam the tide is coming in and their escape from the cave is underwater. Sam is too weak/injured/cold to be able to swim out, so they are forced to spend the night in the cave. Dean cuddles Sam to keep him warm, talking to him through the night to keep him awake and grounded.
PG | 10,000 words | Sam, Dean


zara_zee: Little Engine
Summary: The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, Sam learnt that the hard way. The road to redemption? That’s a long, hard, painful, uphill battle.
PG-13 | 4045 words | Sam, Dean


cherry916: What You Don't Know and All That Jazz
Summary: Hey, what he didn’t know couldn’t hurt him. Right? Yeah, right when has that ever worked in the land of Winchester.
PG | ~2,700 words | Sam, Dean


vonnie836: Sometimes You Just Have to Trust
Summary: After a hunt the boys have to go to Ellen for help.
PG | 13,152 words | Sam, Dean, Ellen, Jo


minviendha: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Summary: Concussions suck.
PG-13 | 3,260 words | references to torture | Sam, Dean


phreakycat: Esau Have I Hated
Summary: The architecture of an addiction exposed.


justmmy: Kings of Medicine
Summary: Dean strikes a bargain with Death in exchange for something Sam lost... but not without complications. Sam's visions return, hurting him more than before, and his mental state quickly declines. Knowing it's his fault Sam is suffering, Dean has to figure out a way to keep his brother together.
PG-13 | 15,889 words | no warnings | Sam, Dean, Bobby, Castiel


real_funky_town: The Eyes Are Blind
Summary: John is sure there’s something wrong with Sam, declaring his youngest son the target and leaving Dean to choose between his dad and brother.
PG-13 | 6,400 words | no warnings | Sam, Dean, John


cherry916: Not Enough
Summary: When cutting himself stops becoming enough Sam decides to do something a little more drastic.
PG-13 | 6,453 words | Sam/Dean


vail-kagami: The Princess and the Other Princess
Summary: It's another case based on fairytales for the Winchester brothers. There is a message in there somewhere - or maybe someone just likes to piss them off.
PG-13 | 10,231 words | Sam/Dean


kassidy62Burning Blue
Summary: Sam can't feel anything, but he'll still do anything for his brother. And all Dean wants is to make Sam feel, even if it's pain. Messed-upedness. Rough sex and Dean-hurting-Samness. A scene with an emotional (crying?) Dean running his hands through an exhausted, fucked-out Sam's hair while he's on top of him and screaming at Sam to feel something would be great. Sam loves his brother and wants to feel something and make Dean feel better, but he just can't.
R | 6,545 words | Sam/Dean, Bobby, OFC


cece_away: Clowns of Terror
Summary: am and Dean, for some reason or another, are forced to encounter not just one but dozens of clowns. At first, Sam just freaks out a little and continues on. Eventually, though, he completely freaks out, full-blown screaming panicking fit.



ratherastory: After the End
Summary: AU set after 5.04 "The End." Sam and Cas try to figure out how to keep living without Dean.
NC-17 | 4,249 words | Sam/Castiel, OCs


rainylemons: Do Your Duty, Little Sparrow
Summary: Dean goes missing searching for someone who might be able to heal Sam’s permanently ruined leg. In the course of searching for him, Sam and Castiel fall into a trap and Sam suffers an asthma attack.
PG-13 | 14,466 words | Sam/Castiel




rainylemons: With the Moon I Run
Summary: Sam wakes after Death puts his soul back into his body and suffers from an excess of dreams, both when he's asleep and when he's awake.


emmram: thamasoma jyothirgamaya
Summary: Sam gets an unexpected companion in the afterlife.
PG-13 | 4,500 words | blood, gore, torture | Sam, Ruby

!mod post, &fic challenge

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