
May 15, 2011 18:11

Hello everyone
I came bearing prompts which i really hope someone will take them up
Here they are -----

#- De-aged Dean (since i love big bro Sam :-D ) Dean is cursed by a witch and is turned 3 years old. Sam is left to take care of him. Dean's very cute and loves his big brother very much. One day when Sam's chopping vegges, Dean jumps on his back out of nowhere, startling Sam,who cuts his palm. Sam bleeding a lot and baby Dean starts crying. But once Sam stops the bleeding, Dean wants to be doctor and cleans up the cut and bandages it as instructed by Sam. Only Gen

#- Coda to Season 4 sex and violence. During the last fight, when Dean breaks the door, Sam gets seriously hurt. Guilty/caring Dean. Gen or wincest.

# AU - John and Mary are alive and there are no demons. Sam is their older son. When he was 12, Mary had another son, Dean.Sam loves his little brother to death and so does Dean. When Dean turns 8, Sam who's in Stanford, is forced to miss his baby brother's b'day as he had an emergency appendectomy. His parents didn't tell Dean as the little boy would be worried but Dean became mad when his mom told him that Sam won't be coming. He refused to talk to his brother even on phone and didn't call him for a week. Learning from his father about Dean, as soon as Sam was discharged after a week, the first thing he did was fly back home against his doctor's advise. He was told to take it easy but nothing came before his baby brother. He went with his mom to pick Dean from school and was hurt when his brother didn't hug him or talk to him. Dean still didn't know about Sam's operation. Back home, Sam's stitches started to hurt from the lack of rest and soon he was in agony. His parents called their house physician and he checked Sam and put him on bed rest for a couple of weeks. Dean feels guilty for treating his big brother like that when he was suffering, and brings Sam dinner on bed when he wakes up. Dean begs his parents to skip school the next day so that he could take care of his Sammy. Only gen please.

# - Back to back five days of grave digging and salt-burning leaves Sam very sore. His shoulders and back throb in pain. Dean to the rescue! wincest/gen

physical therapy, appendicitis, age regression, curse/spell, » adopt a plot bunny, .genre » slash, .genre » gen

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