FIC: Kings of Medicine

May 12, 2011 19:36

Title: Kings of Medicine
Rating: PG-13
Genre/pairing: AU Gen (as gen as the show is, anyway)
Characters:  Sam, Dean, Bobby, Cas
Word count: 15,889
Spoilers: Generalized spoilers for season 6. (goes AU after 6.11)
Warnings: powers!Sam, unstable!Sam, angst and confusion, shameless overindulgence in Sam!whump
Disclaimer: .....really? this is necessary?
Note: Written for brokenangel6662 's oh_sam  h/c challenge prompt.  Sorry it's taken me so freaking long to finish this. :(
Also, this is unbeta'd. (I go through my fics with a fine-toothed comb, but there's only so much I can catch.)

Summary: Dean strikes a bargain with Death in exchange for something Sam lost... but not without complications.  Sam's visions return, hurting him more than before, and his mental state quickly declines.  Knowing it's his fault Sam is suffering, Dean has to figure out a way to keep his brother together.

Part OnePart Two, Part Three

behavioral disorder, insanity, crying, breakdown, hell/post-hell issues, anxiety/panic attack, » fic, psychological trauma, .genre » gen, psychic powers, mental illness

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