I'll Be There For You 1/1

Apr 25, 2011 22:44

Title: I'll Be There For You
Author: cherry916 
Beta: moviegeek03 
Rating: PG
Warnings: Dean being snarky, Sam being moody and clingy, John being a dick nothing out of the usual
Disclaimer: I do not own the young boys or John though I wish I did
Summary: After discovering the supernatural Sam starts to have nightmares. Dean's trying to be his snarky self but can't help being worried over his younger sibling.
A/N?: This was written in response  to a prompt over at the ohsam  Sam Week comment-fic meme in response to this prompt thank you again to moviegeek03  for the speedy beta. All other mistakes are my own

It wasn’t like Sam never had nightmares before.

hugs/cuddling, nightmares, .genre » gen

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