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Re: Filled: All is Fine Part 6 moviegeek03 May 1 2011, 00:12:22 UTC
Sam felt his dad’s hand stiffen against his neck, and he was sure the yelling would come soon.

“Sammy, did I ever tell you about my first year of high school?” Sam just shook his head. He wasn’t sure where this was all going. “I was like you, really tall and skinny. Except I wasn’t as strong as you are…”

“Not strong…”

“Why do you say that son?”

“I couldn’t…I couldn’t even stop a couple of teenage bullies from laying me out Dad.”

“When there is four against one, no one could. I know I couldn’t have at your age. I couldn’t even fight off one.”

“What?” Sam sat up more, ignoring the twinge of pain it caused.

“You heard me son. I couldn’t even fight off one asshole of a jock when I was your age. He made me public enemy number one my freshman year because his girl was tutoring me in math.”


“Yeah, buddy. So don’t you dare say you aren’t strong.”

Tears welled up in Sam’s eyes and John gently wrapped him in a hug. Moments later, John heard Sam’s muffled voice trying to speak around the fabric of his shirt. “What Sam?”

Sam moved so that his mouth was away from his dad’s chest. “They found my books…the ones on shadow demons and witches. I had accidently left them in my backpack after our hunt a couple weeks ago. They started after that.”

“So, that’s why you didn’t have them when I asked for them the other night?”

“Yeah…they…they tore them apart while the beat me up.”

“Sammy,” John’s voice cracked at Sam’s broken tone. “I’m sorry I yelled at you for that. But I want you to promise me something…if that ever happens again, don’t be afraid to tell me or your brother.”

More tears fell as Sam nodded his head in agreement. John pulled Sam back into his embrace and just held him while he let all his tears that had been building for weeks out.

Sam fell asleep there on the couch with his dad. Knowing that the position would hurt Sam in the long run, John reluctantly gathered up his baby in his arms and carried him to his bed. He carefully placed his precious charge under the covers and turned off the lights. He ran his hand through Sam’s hair, smiling as his son turned into the touch.

I won’t ever let things get that far again, Sammy…You’re gonna be fine…


Re: Filled: All is Fine Part 6 cherry916 May 1 2011, 00:24:42 UTC
Awwwwwwww how adorably sweet and schmoopy. John to the rescue for once! lol though it's probably wrong I wanted to see John beat those kids asses lol


Re: Filled: All is Fine Part 6 moviegeek03 May 1 2011, 00:30:19 UTC
LOL. I thought about doing that...but figured it would be a lil wrong since they were all teenagers haha. But they would've deserved it!


Re: Filled: All is Fine Part 6 greeneyes_fan May 1 2011, 04:54:27 UTC
\o/ Go John! He should totally have the opportunity to save Sammy!


Re: Filled: All is Fine Part 6 moviegeek03 May 1 2011, 16:00:37 UTC
Most definitely! I love writing about John showing his love for the boys! :)


Re: Filled: All is Fine Part 6 jennytork May 25 2011, 14:34:27 UTC
(now that I rescued this from being a misplaced comment.....)

I LOVED this! Thank you for good!Daddy John!!


Re: Filled: All is Fine Part 6 moviegeek03 May 25 2011, 14:40:23 UTC
Haha...Thank you! If you are interested I actually have posted more to this at my own journal. I decided to continue it into a multi chapter story. I only have this part and then one more up now, but will posting another in a day or so. :)


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