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FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End authoressnebula April 26 2011, 00:44:52 UTC
When Dean came to, he found himself covered with something scratchy but warm. It felt a lot like the sheets he'd covered himself with just the night before at the motel. Not the thin t-shirt he'd had left after-

The hunter. The freezer. Sammy.

"Sammy?" Dean yelled desperately, sitting up fast. The motel room around him swam for a long moment, but finally steadied. No one answered him. "Sammy?" he called again, panic blinding him to anything except his brother.


One voice and Dean could sort of breathe again. "Cas?"

Castiel smiled at him from beside his bed. "I'm glad to see you awake. You were both critical when I found you."

Sam. "Sam," Dean started, only to have Castiel nod to somewhere behind Dean. Dean whipped around so fast he thought he'd give himself whip-lash, but-

There, in his bed, was Sam. Eyes closed, breathing normally, with blankets piled on top of him. "Bobby assured me that once your core temperatures rose a bit more, you were both able to have more warmth," Castiel told him. "I...didn't understand the first aid of hypothermia. I do now."

Dean realized belatedly that his own bed was covered in blankets as well, but he wouldn't have cared if it was covered in troll snot. "Sam," he said again, seemingly unable to say anything else.

Then, like a miracle, the one voice he needed to hear called back, sounding sleepy and confused. "D'n?"

Dean wasted no time in hauling back the blankets from his own bed and shuffling the few extra steps over to Sam's. Sam's eyes were slits against the sun coming from the windows, but they were focused on Dean, and that was all he cared about. "Dean?" he said again, sounding more coherent.

"How are you feeling, Sam?"

Castiel's question took the words from Dean's mouth. Sam frowned slightly as he considered, right before he went pale. "Better," he managed after a moment. "I, uh...the wall didn't hold up very well in there. A couple of...of things came through." He looked away, as if ashamed, and screw that.

Dean took a seat on Sam's bed and hauled his brother up until Sam's head was near his hip, Dean's arms could wrap around Sam's torso and shoulders. "Not here now, though, right?" Dean asked.

Sam shook his head almost immediately. "No. But in there, it was...it was bad." He shivered again, and for half a second, Dean was terrified that Sam wasn't going to come back.

But when he glanced up at Dean, his eyes weren't glassy, and it was clear. "I heard you," he said softly. "Through the ice and the pain. I kept hearing your voice. I kept telling myself that I wasn't really there, and I'd pull out, but between the floor and the meat slabs and the air in my lungs..."

"The Pit is cold," Castiel said knowingly, sympathy twisting his features for a second. Then it was gone, but Dean knew better than to think he still wasn't feeling it beneath the surface. "I'll deal with Evans, the hunter. Be well."

"Cas?" Dean called just as Castiel stepped back. Castiel waited, and Dean gave him a small smile. "Thank you," he said, putting all his sincerity into it. If it hadn't been for Cas, they'd have been sunk. And Sam would be gone.

Castiel gave a small smile in return, then vanished. Sam shivered against him, and Dean tugged and pulled until all the blankets were pulled up again. The warmth felt good, but knowing Sam was there with him, not somewhere else, was better.

Dean really hoped Cas gave it to the hunter for the both of them. If not, then Dean would just have to make sure it happened. No one threatened Sam and hurt Sam and got away with it.

He tightened his grasp around Sam and let himself breathe in the warm air of the motel room.



Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End cherry916 April 26 2011, 00:48:32 UTC
Awwwww this just warmed my heart lolz (irony much?)


Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End yasminke April 26 2011, 01:14:41 UTC
Well done, Neula -- glad you're back in grand form.


Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End lissa_ann April 26 2011, 01:29:50 UTC

More hearts for you.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End borgmama1of5 April 26 2011, 02:24:07 UTC
Great story--loved Dean being big brother!


Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End de_nugis April 26 2011, 03:10:43 UTC
Ah, yes. Lucifer burning cold is so much more effective than plain hellfire. And I love Cas getting a tutorial in hypothermia first aid.


Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End 4422shini April 26 2011, 07:59:09 UTC
this was so great. squeeing all the way!


Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End marziebarz April 26 2011, 08:09:39 UTC
Becuase The other one was so awesome I just couldn't resist, and I am so glad my willpower sucks so much when I'm tired, because this was made of just as much WIN as the first one. Poor Sam, and oh God now I kind wanna know what he was seeing because I'm sadistic like that. And Dean freaking out so much he asked Balthazar for help. And Cas to the rescue! WAY TO BE A GOOD PERSON CAS =D



Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End wallflowerlady April 26 2011, 09:15:46 UTC
AWESOME. I love cold Sam... and terrified flash-back Sam... and I just adore Dean giving up all his own warm clothes because he's so scared for Sam. And then a lovely bit of cuddling at the end :-D


Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End kettle_o_fish April 26 2011, 10:06:03 UTC
He heard the moment the pleas turned to begging.


This was lovely and heartbreaking and awesome. Thank you for the fill! <3


Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End weesta April 26 2011, 10:42:04 UTC
Oh, poor Sam! Dean really is the best big brother out there! Great job!


Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End lyxie April 27 2011, 12:58:25 UTC
Oh, Sam...that was beautifully written. I loved big brother!Dean! And I liked that Sam was honest about it in the end. Great job!


Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End raindropfloss April 29 2011, 14:58:00 UTC
Ugh. This is incredible. Jesus.


Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End sinka May 2 2011, 20:38:20 UTC
Oh, Sam... that was heartbreaking but I loved how Sam could still hear Dean when he was lost inside his head... The brotherly bond is alive! Thanks!!


Re: FILLED: And In My Soul, An Icy Dread Remains, Pt. 3 - End varkelton September 13 2011, 02:08:51 UTC
Congratulations! Your story has been recced at spn_littlebro!


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