Demons I Get 1/1

Apr 23, 2011 23:38

Title:Demons I Get
Author: cherry916
Beta: moviegeek03
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Over abundance of schmoop, stupid criminals, and adorable baby Sammy with bamf! + awesome father John
Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own the adorable baby and papa Winchester :(
Summary: John's been managing his best since Mary's death with minimal help.  But one late night visit to a local convenience store threatens to take away the last piece of his wife he has.
A/N: I blame this on watching too much World's Dumbest and reading too much wee!chesters. My thanks to moviegeek03  who not only gave this story a name and a summary but cleaned up all my blatant boo boo's and made me sound smart. Thanks BB!

Demon's John gets but people.....he'll have to get back to you

hugs/cuddling, crying, .genre » gen

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