Let Her Into Your Heart, 1/1, PG-13, Gen, Post 5x13

May 01, 2010 23:46

Title: Let Her Into Your Heart
Author: Authoressnebula
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: #197 - Jizo for tamingthemuse
Verse: Raising a Big Brother
Spoilers: Post 5x13: Song Remains the Same
Disclaimer: The 'verse is mine, but the characters within it? All Kripke's. Title from the Beatles' "Hey Jude".
Summary: His mom was gone. His mom was gone. And Sam started to cry.
Wordcount: 1,904

A/N: While this is set in the RaBB!verse, it CAN be read as a stand-alone.

Hey Jude/Don't make it bad/Take a sad song/And make it better


hugs/cuddling, » fic, depression, .genre » gen

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