009 - [theme: dark and depressing; 7 gen, 1 sam/dean]

Jan 02, 2011 01:28

i'm pretty sure i'm supposed to start the year off with something cheerful or schmoopy, but i only have three bookmarks that meet those conditions. so instead, i bring you four horrific, dark little fics, and four fics that are just plain depressing.


title. once you are real
type. possession
author. mrscutedean
rating. nc-17
words. 4,200
characters. sam, dean, john
warnings. character death, graphic violence
summary. their worst nightmares become a reality...and the fight to become real has just begun.
reccer's comments. this brutal, beautiful fic leaves me heartbroken and aching every time i read it.

title. debt
type. depression, psychosis, insanity
author. ultraviolet9a
rating. r
words. 2,700
characters. sam, dean
warnings. character death,
summary. there's a reason resurrection doesn't happen naturally.
reccer's comments. this is a dark, gritty, gut-punching exploration of sam's first resurrection.

title. the velveteen winchester
type. n/a
author. silver_ruffian
rating. pg-13
words. 2,400
characters. sam, the residents of foster's home for imaginary friends, dean.
warnings. mild violence, some graphic imagery
summary. sam winchester tries to make a life for himself at foster's home for imaginary friends. [crossover]
reccer's comments. take a happy, silly children's cartoon, add a dash of horror and sam winchester. what do you get? one of the creepiest fics ever. i'm never going to think of the cartoon the same way again. this universe begs to be expanded. (the wiki page for foster's, in case you aren't familiar with the cartoon.)

title. absence
type. loss of senses
author. britomart_is
rating. r
words. 2,000
characters. sam, dean
warnings. none
summary. written for the sharp_teeth meme prompt: one of the boys is losing one sense at a time.
reccer's comments. britomart_is does creepy horror so well. many of her fics will leave her reader's reeling, and this is no exception.


title. the hot wind stirs
type. phobia
author. dime_for_12
rating. pg-13
words. 2,600
characters. sam, dean
warnings. none
summary. sam freezes, sees the fire radiating from an outlet and crawling up the walls. (prompt: sam comes back from the pit afraid of fire.)
reccer's comments. a very intense fic. the author spares no details, telling it like it is. i think what really makes this fic stick with the reader is that neither sam nor dean ever really admit or accept that anything is wrong.

title. a diminished thing
type. n/a
author. de-nugis
rating. pg-13
words. 1,300
characters. dean, sam (background dean/lisa)
warnings. see author's note
summary. sam stays changed. life goes on, mostly.
reccer's comments. what can i say about this fic? it is depressing, beautiful and devastating. dean stays with lisa and sam keeps on hunting, and yet it feels like both of them are trapped in lives they just don't know how - or if - to escape. the pervading senses of loss and finality are heartbreaking.

title. this is what the wolves were doing
type. n/a
author. wanttobeatree
rating. pg
words. 750
characters. season-six!sam and mystery-spot!sam
warnings. none
summary. in the missing year, sam has a visit from someone he used to know.
reccer's comments. by juxtaposing the sam of mystery spot and soulless!sam, the author shows us how disturbing and wrong soulless!sam really is. an incredible concept.

title. (just) this
type. (technically) self-harm, breakdown
author. albydarned
rating. nc-17
words. 2,120
pairing. sam/dean
warnings. self-harm
summary. he went months without food, without rest. he lived off of dean’s death like a parasite. [tag to mystery spot]
reccer's comments. a short fic that masterfully details sam's pain and emotional instability post-mystery spot.

insanity, .pairing » sam/dean, self-harm, depression, !recs, .genre » wincest, breakdown, possession, psychosis, .genre » gen

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