What You Don't Know and All That Jazz 1/1

Dec 29, 2010 22:31

Title: What You Don't Know and All That Jazz
Author: cherry916
Rating: PG
Warnings: Over abundance of schmoop, a pinch of angst, the misuse of the word 'seemed' and a in depth character study of feelings. Any questions?
Disclaimer: I don't own teh sexy boys
Summary: Hey, what he didn’t know couldn’t hurt him. Right? Yeah, right when has that ever worked in the land of Winchester.
A/N: I decided to do another prompt fic because I have no life lol. Who knows I many do another. This isn't overly long but I feel it swift and to the point. This was written for the ohsam h/c challenge. The Prompt was Sam has suffered from migraines since college and took medication for them. After he starts hunting again, he keeps his problem a secret until one day a migraine hits and his medication has run out. Lots of pissed!comforting!Dean and schmoop. Bonus points if Dean finds a way to get the medication. This is for kate_mct

Sam hated headaches.

migraines, &fic challenge, fainting/collapse, .genre » gen

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