My tweets

Dec 09, 2015 21:17

  • Wed, 12:05: RT @ Hiromichu_chu: ピースピースピースピースピース どんだけversionもってんだ!!
  • Wed, 12:05: RT @ naomao703703: 京Je Le ciel
  • Wed, 12:06: RT @ Hiromichu_chu: う?枝??鳥?何紹介してくれてんの?? まさか、誰かいるの?( ^∀^)ゲラゲラ
  • Wed, 12:06: i should study but lazy... ugh...
  • Wed, 12:09: pengen ke jakarta & jogja buat fangirling ama fans kanjani8, kisumai ama SixTONES~~ lol (saking nggak ada teman fangirling disini).
  • Wed, 12:09: RT @ tamarin317: 大我ちゃんが歌詞間違えた直後、、 メンバーみんなニヤニヤw 慎ちゃん笑いすぎ~ヽ(`▽´)/♡ ある意味保存版~大我作詞♡ 『君の手を取り どこか遠くまで行っちゃお~』 ~12/9 少クラSixTONES~
  • Wed, 12:30: have you ever thinking that actually there's no faction but they just made it like that so people talk about it, just for the sake of drama.
  • Wed, 12:35: oh, i dont think anyone from kisumai want to leave now especially after BUSAIKU become a thing.
  • Wed, 12:36: yeah, maybe kisumai has no backbone to refuse the 3:4 stuff, i used to hate them because of it, but i think...


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