all about kouchi, well almost....

Jan 17, 2014 21:19

Yosh, today i feel like talking about kouchi, since that boy had his coming of age ceremony on january 13, 2014. Well, i was planning to write on that day, but lately i am too lazy to write. Blame it to twitter and tumblr, it's easier flailing in there than here in LJ. if i write only two sentence in LJ it feel like i am being like ryo-chan, only can write greetings in his nikki. but in twitter, i cant write more than 140 words, in tumblr, if i dont have any idea what to write i can just re-blog someone's post and spamming my tumblr with pics. hahaha.... okey enough with the rant.

So kouchi, ehm....
what should i write, i dont even know what to write, ^-^; except the fact that i am obsessed with him now, more than ryo and uchi, oh dont worry, i am not graduate yet from them like how i graduated from yamapi and tacchon, even though now i am stuck with their name in my user ID. but ma... that was good time. so i dont feel regret.
Uhm... okey... So kouchi yugo, actually there's nothing special really about this young man, his acting is so-so but can improve a lot if only he has chance, lots chances *you know like played in lots doramas, like in every season*, because when he has chance he really show an improvement from the last time.

His dance is not good, heck he even cant dance the first time he joined JE, he was really really stiff, look so nervous, and dont even know what to do. That's what you get from someone who loves sport so much and went to school kakumei audition because his friend pushed him and made him do it, and just to humor his friend he sent his application, but he never thought that he was going to win. *thanks to kenbanana" for the information*

but of course he won, because honestly even though the other 4 contestants were good at dancing, their attitude really annoying, well two of them, when everyone tried to impress school kakumei team and audience he's just being cool about it even though he's nervous. maybe that's why audience voted for him.

But even though he still made mistake when dancing, but every year he's getting better and better and really enjoy performing now. There's no nervous smile anymore, and he has lots confident than before, even though he had mistake he can cover it up, or pretend that he didnt make one *glance at sanapi, you are like that too man =P* or laugh it off, and the next time try to perfect his dance.
If you compare him from one of eito members, he'll definitely yoko, in term of dance, hahaha.. it'll be a shock if he didnt mis a step or two. =PPP but that's their charms, it'll be boring if everyone is perfect. ~_^v beside uchi cant dance too, i dont like watching uchi dance, his dance is weird, same as kouchi, lol
It seems that my type hasnt change at all, only their face and height that different. =PP

His voice, ehm.. no comment since i only heard it three times, but i like it. He has deep voice like shige *another similaritiy with shige, not only their face*, but since he only got few lines i cant judge it. because i'll sound so bias, but i cant help it!! those three times are so precious to me, since i cant listen to his singing often. And he tried rap!! well, his rap is not as good as juri, but still it's improvement! ^-^

His face, ehm... well... he's good looking!! not handsome not pretty but really good looking. he has his moment when he look so handsome but he has his moment too when he look not that good. and He's so easy get tan!! *i cant believe that i like someone who is easily get tan just like ryo, =_=* another proof that my type hasnt change.

Now, you must be wondering why in the world i like him then? ehm... i dont even know but maybe
That's because one time when i was so in love with akame, and my heart just broken again like kame because jin going solo *okey too dramatic but let it be...* and at that time my friend said "You have to watch jr colosseum, kame as judge, and there's this junior who made kame turn mushy just like school girl who has crush! maybe that boy remind him of jin, because he's baka!" *well, her words not exactly like that but close* so i was so intrigued than decided to download it and watched. at first nothing really interesting, and even kame just being kame nice to everyone. but when he said that words, that "ba~ka~" word. Just like kame, i like him instantly, hahaha... and he's so adorable that he was hard to resist. and his failed attempt to monomane kame was the best!! ah his failed attempt to do confession was the best too!!! and his worried expression, i love it so much!! >_<

and again watching another eps of kame's epic crush towards kouchi made me like him more, but at that time i wasnt really interested in junior, and the fandom was really in crazy state, made me soon forget about him.

But then, early this year, i watched shiritsu bakaleya koukou after one year ignoring it because come on, uchi only appeared for like 1 minutes whole eps, and at first sight it's only about faighting and fighting and fighting, i didnt like it. But after watching the movie and see how baka takaki's role was. soon, i watched the dorama and fell in love with the boys, all of them are good looking!!

at first, i really cant choose i love them all. and then i was looking for anything about them, and then i realized that, the boy that made kame mushy was in bakaleya6 too. and he hasnt change at all. i mean he's getting better of course, but the adorable boy that kame and i fell in love with is still there ♥_♥ and the rest is history.

So, what i like about him maybe because he's just being himself all the time, well he's "my pace" type, so when he feel like it and he'll do it but if not then he wont, but it's not in annoying way. and like when he cant do it, then he cant. but it makes him try harder, but in his own way. and maybe because he's not perfect, he almost failed all the time, hahaha... but it make him endearing.
And the gap *i like men who has gap*, he look like cool *in bad way* and bullying type *well, he is! he bully shin a lot!* like he'll easily mad at you if you didnt do what he want, like he own the world, i guess the right word is self-centered? *even my friend said like that when he saw his pic* but the truth is he's so silly and the exact opposite. He's nice and polite, and i like when he talk, his choise of words is good.

what people see...


see the gap is huge!! =PP

and last one i dont know what to write anymore except that i like him, and wish him all the best. and he has wonderful years to come.
i'll end this post with my favourite kouchi pic, the one pic that always made me doki-doki

bakaleya boys, banchou, kamenashi kazuya, kouchi-sensei, micchi's story, fangirling time, bakaleya6, kouchi yugo

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