FISH ON BANANAS, IT IS MY FIRST ICON POST IN MY ICON JOURNAL. Because my first post was actually a Merlin fanmix. :DDD I hope you guys enjoy it! OH. And I'm sorry for, like, THREE different types of coloring in this post. I was experimenting (that's what she said, ha) and that's just what happened. XD
51 icons total: (34)Naruto and (17) Bleach *Spoiler warning for recent chapters of Naruto and Bleach. :3
Onto the previews:
FFFFFFFF. THE POOR WOOBIES. OBVIOUSLY, NARUTO IS NOT GOOD WITH CONFESSIONS. ☼ All these were colored by me. "No wonder they suck pfffttt..."
Soi Fong, why are you so cool?!! :3 ☼ #1-10 were colored by me.
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