(no subject)

Aug 08, 2005 22:56

today scotty came over. we watched the family guy movie and etc. Good times per usual, 'cept my stomach decided to be mean and i got sick for no reason. after that i was foyne though and we hung out. actually my body is being really strange lately, i have all these random marks like spider bites or something on my hand and both my legs and my feet. i obviously have some kind of rare disease that i got from contact with a customer at work. now that i think of it actually, last week a guy came through my line barefoot and bought 13 dollars worth of bananas. i could have gotten something from him, it's very possible.

not much else is going on, i can't believe it's almost the middle of august. i have no idea where the time goes. wednesday is scott's birthday, wish him a happy birthday or i will beat you with a flaming torch. i think i'm going to darien lake on thursday and next weekend sheila and i are going camping, which should be interesting since it always is. i want chinese food so bad right now you have no idea.

its really hard to not laugh when i'm getting my picture taken as you can see above and below

actually i didn't even know anna was taking that one ^ thanks anna,.,.,..,. anyway the camera batteries died after we took those pictures.

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