(no subject)

Aug 03, 2005 00:23

scott i think you did this a long long time ago but i'm doing it now. god i am so bored.

01. I see: nothing, well i see the computer but it's dark in here
02. I need: to go to bed
03. I find: pieces of fireworks on the ground
04. I want: scott
05. I have: a headache
06. I wish: i could drive
07. I love: him
08. I hate: moths
09. I miss: seeing my friends every day
10. I fear: bees because i don't like getting stung and my whole body going numb
11. I feel: sweaty
12. I hear: basement jaxx
13. I smell: nothing, it seriously doesn't smell like anything in here
14. I crave: some h2o
15. I search: mongeese
16. I wonder: if i'm going to be able to finish this without falling asleep
17. I regret: lots of stuff, but i try not to dwell on it

-xx- In the last 48 hours, Have You... -xx-

01. Cried: no i haven't
02. Bought something: yeah, dr. pepper at work
03. Gotten sick: no.
04. Sang: yes, a little bit
05. Eaten: not that much this morning but i was full after dinner and i just ate a popsicle
06. Been kissed: yes
07. Felt stupid: Um. Yeah.
09. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: no...?
10. Met someone new: nope
11. Moved on: no, there's nothing to move on from right now
12. Talk to an ex: no, i don't think so
13. Missed an ex: not at all
14. Talked to someone you have a crush on: yeah, i have a crush on a jew
15. Had a serious talk: not really
16. Missed someone: yes
17. Hugged someone: yes
18. Fought with your parents: as usual
19. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: no

-xx- Social Life -xx-

01. Best girl friends: sheila, anna, keely, lindsay, sam, justine, can, amy, i know i'm forgetting people but don't hold it against me, it's 12:30 am
02. Best guy friends: scott, mark, shawn, nick, zack, brian, kyle, man i don't know
03. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: i think so.
04. If no, current dating partner: scott, i think that my current dating partner classifies as my boyfriend
05. Hobbies: breathing
06. Pager: cell phone
07. Are you center of attention or the wallflower: both, it depends on the people around me
08. What type automobile do you drive: N/A
09. What type automobile do you wish you drove: a bike jk
10. Would you rather be with friends or on a date: neither, i would rather sit in a room alone and play solitaire
11. Where is the best hangout: i dunno, somewhere that has air conditioning (aka not my house)
12. Do you have a job: yeah.
13. Do you attend church: no, i'm not very religious
14. Do you like being around people: fuck yeah!!!!!!

-xx- Who -xx-

01. Have you known the longest: my mom, i knew her even before i emerged into the world cause i'm pretty sure i was attached to her placenta
02. Do you argue the most with: my mom.
03. Do you always get along with: lindsay, we never have anything to bicker about
04. Is the most trustworthy: a lot of my friends
05. Makes you laugh the most: amy or scott or kyle
06. Has been there through all the hard times: ALL? umm i guess sheila
07. Always has a man/woman: sheila. she always has a woman.
08. Is the most sensitive: i don't know
09. Has the coolest parents: i don't know, i like anna's parents
10. Has the coolest siblings: lindsay, her sister is nice to me
11. Is the most blunt: keely
12. Is the shyest: lindsay
13. Is the most outgoing: me
14. Is most Rebellious: mEeEee................
16. Is most likely to become famous: scott, he's going to be a famous magician
17. Is most likely to become rich: zack
18. Is most likely to wind up in jail: me duh
19. Is most likely to have a million kids: mark and brian. together. jk i have no idea
20. Always wears a smile: well alyssa colosi does
21. Is the smartest: zack
22. Who has the biggest attitude: ms patton
23. Would die for you: all of them come on!!
24. Complains the least: umm. most of my friends complain about stuff and so do i
25. Biggest flirt: my eyes are closing
26. Needs a good man/woman: mark
27. Never ever betrayed you: a few of them

-xx- Personal -xx-

01. Who is your role model: i don't have one yet
02. What are your pet peeves: when i'm enthusiastic and the person that i'm showing enthusiasm towards doesn't return it
03. Have you ever been in love: no, not in the past
04. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: oh yeah
05. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: oh yeah
06. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: no i don't
07. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): yeah, but not about anything major
08. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: no not really
09. Ever been cheated on: not that i know of
10. Ever said I love you to a significant other: yes
11. Rather be dumper or dumped: neither are fun
12. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": hookups are enjoyable but a relationship is preferable
13. Want someone you don't have right now: no, i have what i want
14. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: oh yes
15. Do you want to get married: i am married.
16. Do you want kids: i have 9 love children but i guess eventually i want some legit ones
17. Do you believe in psychics: like miss cleo?
18. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: no
19. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: i dunno. eyes i guess
20. What is your favorite part of your emotional being: my ability to admit my flaws and try to improve them
21. Are you happy- generally
22. Are you happy with your life: yes, a select few parts of it i am completely happy with
23. Are you depressed right now? no
24. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: that i could have superpowers

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
01. who are your best friends: redundant question
02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? YEAH, DUH

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
01. where is your favorite place to shop? places that i can afford
02. any tattoos or piercings? my ears are pierced

s p e c i f i c s
01. do you do drugs? no
02. what kind of shampoo do you use? none
03. what are you most scared of? losing what i have
04. what are you listening to right now? the fan
05. where do you want to get married? outside
06. how many buddies are online right now? 62
07. what would you change about yourself? the way i overanalyze things

f a v o u r i t e s
01. color: yellow purple lime green navy blue and all the other colors
02. food: ramen noodles or plain chocolate chips melted in a bowl in the microwave or spanish food
03. boys' names: ryan, caleb, aiden
04. girls' names: aveda, sloan, stella, mia
05. subjects in school: only art classes, well i liked global last year but that's it
06. animals: louie
07. sports: meh
08. perfume: i don't wear perfume, sometimes i remember to put deodorant on though
09. cologne: i dunno i have a different cologne for every day of the week so

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. given anyone a bath? yeah myself
02. smoked? no, i hate cigarette smoke. HATE.
03. bungee jumped? no i went on the skycoaster at darien lake though and it's like the same thing i guess
04. made yourself throw up? no no
05. skinny dipped? no however that would be fun
06: ever been in love? oh duh
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? haha yes
08. pictured your crush naked? duh
09. actually seen your crush naked? wait i don't have a crush. i've never seen anyone naked though that's gross, what's nudity
10. cried when someone died? yes
11. lied? yes
12. fallen for your best friend? yes
13. been rejected? yes
14. rejected someone? yes
15. used someone? i don't know.

c u r r e n t
clothes: a bright blue striped tank top and plaid boxers. hello it's called pajamas i don't wear this in public :]
music: none
make-up: is annoying, i try to wear as little as possible when necessary
annoyance: headache, fatigue
smell: none
favorite artist: too hard
desktop picture: frank sinatra, still
book your reading: shampoo planet, woops i need to maybe do something productive and get my summer reading book
cd in player: mix
dvd in player: i own one dvd, and it's not in my dvd player.
color of toenails: pink

l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: mom
hugged: scott
you imed: anna
you kissed: scott

a r e | y o u
understanding: yes
open-minded: most of the time
arrogant: not usually
insecure: yeah sometimes, i've gotten better though
interesting: hahaha, i suppose
hungry: yeah i like to eat
smart: that depends
moody: sometimes
hardworking: that also depends
organized: no, and it's one of my real big flaws that needs to change asap
healthy: yeah
shy: nawt usually
attractive: same as previous answer
bored easily: yeah it's annoying
responsible: i always try to be
obsessed: with dolls yeah, i play with them nonstop
angry: no
sad: not lately
disapointed: no
happy: yes
hyper: um yeah
trusting: yeah
talkative: yes
legal: for what.

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: nobody
slap: myself
get high with: louie
look like: hulk hogan
talk to offline: myself
talk to online: myself

r a n d o m
in the morning i am: i'm not up in the morning.
all i need is: sleep
love is: a nice feeling
i dream about: everything, it would take forever to explain all my dreams

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: neither, we always have pepsi here though cause my dads addicted
flowers or candy: candy
tall or short: short, i'm not tall

r a n d o m
what do you notice first: body language
last person you danced with: myself. i was dancing in my room last night but the lights were off and i stepped on the end of the cord of my fan cause it wasnt plugged in (the metal part) and it hurt.
worst question to ask: i dont know god
who makes you laugh the most: scott
who makes you smile: Teletubbies
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: um
who do you have a crush on: mr staffeld
who has a crush on you: scott

d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: not lately.
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no.
wish you were younger: noo.
cry because someone said something to you: not recently?

n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: like 1
of hearts i have broken: 28098053985
of guys i've kissed: i think 7ish
of girls i've kissed: zero
of continents i have lived in: 0
of tight friends: like 15
of cds i own: legally : a decent amount
of scars on body: a lot of little ones

i am so going to bed now.
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