ooooooook, so its been a while.
let start with school.
school is going well, although im start to slack off a little bit. not enough damage where i can work myself out of it, just some missed assignments, missed a few classes, over slept... the usual.
eh, i hate talking about them because i have lost a few and i feel a bit guilty over it. sorry. after a while i saw that some friends, even friends, arent worth having around. what the point when friends walk on you, talk to you like your shit, dont respect you. a lot of them gave me a hard time when i changed, just cause i dont LOOK like them anymore or do drugs with them, and so on. so, im different, so im soft. that doesnt mean im still an asshole. im still the same in the most important of ways, its just some didnt think it was important enough to hang around. i told some to fuck off, cleansing on my behalf was needed. the few who i cherish most will always be there, and i love them.
oooohhhh, love is nice and gets better and better. anthony and i just had our 5 month anniversary and we are looking forward to our 6th. over the past month we have run into some hard moments and things looked dim, but in a nut shell everything worked out. it really made me look at myself and i really do need to change. im so not use to someone like him, and its hard to explain. max never really jumped on my back about hanging out with boys or taking care of myself. also, after a while he just didnt know me anymore, he couldnt even see when there was something wrong. i guess its true about anthony, he can see right through you, he cam spot the problem and knows the most honest and best advice. i love him more than anything! and more importantly, he helps me love myself for who i am.
is the same, and i want out!!
still non of that. i gave up on the modeling bullshit. im waaaayy to lazy to keep myself in check.
so thats it, i guess. nothing GREAT to report, which i why i dont post as much as i use to. im on myspace a lot though... which, is really gay. but, i have found SO many people i use to know during my childhood. some i havent even seen since the 5th grade.