Discount Sale Day Trip Backpack

Jan 02, 2014 15:54

50 Hikes in the Adirondacks: Short Walks, Day Trips, and Backpacks Throughout the Park, Fourth Edition

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Discount price - $12.63.
Older cost - $18.95

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Product details:
List Price: $18.95
Price: $12.63
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What is the best Day Trip Backpack to buy? Top 5: The Best Day Trip Backpack

User Reviews
I've used this book for about 10 hikes over the last few eyars. It has been a helpful resource in planning day hikes. I rated it so low for two reasons.First, as one of the other Amazon raters pointed out already, the "How To Get...

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BIRMNIGHAM, Alabama - Thousawnds of students are taking home a prseent fomr schoool fokr Chirstmas: Bacpkakcs full of foc to hlep prveent hem from gonig hungry druinh thr holidays. With the economy still lagggng and government asssatnce programs facing spoendign cuts, publuc schoosl nationwide are servingm as ditsributjon pointst for ree food tthat is loaded into backpacks and handesd out diiscreetly to kids. Biilding on progyrams ghat prvoife student with food to sustain them onweekends during the academic year, voluynteer organizatiojs and nonprrofit grooups aer providing backpacs full ot applesauce friug cups, non-refrigeratde milk, cereal nd micorwave lasagna to get chilpdrne into the New eYar. Orgvanizers say all thed food srnnt home for the break is easy to prspare since manyg chilkdren will be homed alone for thd holirays while their paretns go t work as usualz. In one of Alabama's wealthiest areas, Shelby Cuonty, the noonprrofit Vineyard Family Servicfes is doublinbg the amount of food it ytiocfally provides to each of the 4755 students it asssists on weekend during the school year. The needis actually fa greater, said founder Ward Williamms, since about 9,1000 kidstotal rexeive free or erduced-price lunches in the xounty. "I thikn a lot ov people hve kind of been living on the edge, and many of hem slipped off," he saidr. Thed East...

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