Are you still getting ideas for Doctor Who, and if so what are you doing with them given that you can’t use them anymore?
RTD: I don’t really, no. Because I knew I was finishing two years ago so I stopped then, in a way. I think there’s a good Twitter Doctor Who story to be told, I’ve got to say. You can only communicate in 140 characters. Because I’m just so young and hip and with it. But no, to be honest. It’s dead to me. Like an old cat.
Is there any indication of where things might be going in the future, or can you not say?
DT: Well, I think this gives you a bit of a hint, the fact that the [SPOILER REMOVED!] have come to summon the Doctor and the fact that the Doctor now knows incontrovertibly that he’s running from his own demise. At the very end he says, ‘No, I’m not going there, I’m going to rage against the dying of the light,’ which kind of beats at the final story, I suppose.
RTD: All those chickens come home to roost.
DT: Yeah.
RTD: Not space chickens. At the end of the series with Catherine Tate, Davros told him he was responsible for many people’s deaths - and all these things are coming to an end. This shows why he travels with a human companion. That’s the point of this story, he would have had someone to talk to, a release valve, an escape valve, and he would have found a different way out of it. But because he’s alone, he’s lost in his own head and he goes too far. All these things are coming to an end. It’s time.
Do you feel that you’ve wrapped it up satisfyingly for yourself?
DT: Yeah. It feels like we tell a big end of an era story and at the same time handing it on, which I think is important in this show, which has, let’s face it, been going a long time before we showed up and no doubt will carry on into the far distant future. So, yes, I think we tell a big old farewell story and then hand it over in rude health.
RTD: It’s nice knowing when you’re coming to an end so far in advance, you get a chance to do everything. It’s not like you’ve forgotten anything. We see the [SPOILER ALERT] summon the Doctor…for Children In Need in a few weeks’ time, you get the first scene of the Doctor arriving on the [SPOILER ALERT!], which was actually a hilarious scene. That scene is so funny. You shouldn’t think it’s going to be as dark and as doom-laden from now on.
David, how did you feel giving up the role?
DT: Like I just said, it was an incredible experience. It was something that I suppose I fantasised about as a child, so it was an incredible, slightly surreal thing to finally be up there and be part of that. It’s been something that I will be forever proud of.
Elisabeth Sladen said recently that she was worried about you David, as to how you’re going to cope not being the Doctor and she thought you might end up in rehab?
DT: If I’m in rehab I will phone The Star immediately and make sure you’re outside. You’ll be first on my list of calls. But it’s not looking that likely at the moment but who knows. Never say never.
RTD: She’s still in that drunk tank, Liz.
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