Mayim Bialik: "It's never going to be trendy to be observant or religious in Hollywood circles"

Aug 24, 2015 01:28

. @missmayim: Hollywood is not friendly to people of faith | via @Fox411
- Fox News (@FoxNews) August 22, 2015

On people finding it hard to reconcile the fact that she has a neuroscience degree with her being religious: "Being a scientist and a person of faith, people want to know how that is. It ( Read more... )

religion, mayim bialik, politics, actor / actress

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noneformethanx August 23 2015, 20:04:59 UTC
She's the extreme attachment parenting advocate right?


mec August 23 2015, 20:05:41 UTC


medeacaesura August 23 2015, 20:05:56 UTC
yep thats the one


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noneformethanx August 23 2015, 20:10:58 UTC
She's a scientist but antivaxx. Smh


firebunny August 23 2015, 21:31:17 UTC
That's the part I can't reconcile, not that she's a scientist and religious, but that she's a scientist and anti-science.


nationalboner August 24 2015, 00:30:55 UTC
LOL this.


phsntplkr August 24 2015, 03:01:45 UTC


rosewood39 August 23 2015, 23:36:24 UTC
that does not make sense to me


helloneworld August 24 2015, 01:26:06 UTC
excepted she stated earlier that she has vaccinated them


slurp August 24 2015, 05:46:45 UTC
wow the comments there though


vonlisbon August 24 2015, 03:50:00 UTC
I think this is a great example of why it's so fucking silly that we have this idea that anyone with a particular degree or an advanced degree is inherently intelligent. There are loooooooooads of PhDs and MDs out there who are dumb as fucking rocks. All an advanced degree tells you for certain is that the person definitely found a program somewhere in the world that was a decent enough fit that they could power through it long enough to complete the necessary work to finish it; whether or not they're actually an intelligent individual is still up for debate.


selenia_actimel August 25 2015, 19:16:48 UTC
I think it has more to do with the fact that PhDs require you to be an expert in a very particular field (and many MDs as well), and oftentimes people make the mistake of thinking that, just because you're an expert on one field, you have an advantage to argue on a different field. Sometimes that's true (when speaking of general things, like the scientific process, or things in common between both fields), most times it's not. Add to that, some people get really arrogant, or overconfident and that's the true stupidity, that attitude of "I've a PhD, so I know what I'm talking about" even when you clearly don't know.
I say this as someone with a PhD in neuroscience like her, who switched fields recently to immunology and is feeling like an undergrad all over again.


vonlisbon August 26 2015, 01:03:45 UTC
Yeah I mean hell, I'm married to a PhD, live in a university town, and tbh that's just made it even more clear that having a PhD just means you're an expert in one specific field. Like you may know more about the poetic roots of rap than anyone elseon the eastern seaboard, butttttttttt I'm not about to turn to you for medical/financial/relationship/etc advice.

It's the MDs I know who are otherwise really scarily dumb that frighten me, tho. Like I know med school doesn't make you all-around brilliant but gzus, some of the shit I've heard come out of advanced med students' mouths...


selenia_actimel August 26 2015, 01:49:49 UTC
That scares me as well. Like doctors who recommend homeopathic medicine and believe they work as anything other than placebo. Maybe because a *lot* of medical school hinges on memorizing things and details without ever really understand them deeply.


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