Please hurry the fuck up and renew this show, TNT, because I desperately need more of it in my life.
Jenkins/Dulaque was totally a thing, y/y? I am intrigued and wish to know more.
I don't understand why Flynn and Eve touched the apple knowing what it did but Evil!Flynn was hilarious and adorable so it's okay with me. Evil!Cassandra was the best and fuck, I'm shipping her and Jake. I'm in deep.
Yes at a fairy tale episode already! Can't wait for that.
I had to watch that scene about 5 times to try to understand the Jenkins/Dulaque connection, because my slash goggles see romance everywhere, but really really their interactions were NOT familial! I NEED TO KNOW.
Jenkins/Dulaque was totally a thing, y/y? I am intrigued and wish to know more.
I don't understand why Flynn and Eve touched the apple knowing what it did but Evil!Flynn was hilarious and adorable so it's okay with me. Evil!Cassandra was the best and fuck, I'm shipping her and Jake. I'm in deep.
Yes at a fairy tale episode already! Can't wait for that.
Worth catching up?
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