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brandnewinfo November 17 2013, 03:35:26 UTC
While Swenson prepares to take on Javert this spring, he’s got one heck of a scene partner to rehearse with-his wife, five-time Tony winner Audra McDonald. Can’t you just imagine the two at home, practicing "The Confrontation" together? “Oh yeah, it happens nightly,” Swenson jokes. “No, we’re more of a Roberta Flack family, but I think it happened once when I was auditioning for the part. We were goofing around and sung it in front of the kids just to annoy them-they think we’re so obnoxious when we sing loudly.”

Their kids are so lucky.


_______awshucks November 17 2013, 04:13:20 UTC
Will Swenson is a flawless BAMF


maryastor November 17 2013, 04:19:47 UTC
i still can't see him as javert, but i do love him


thespockingdead November 17 2013, 03:30:47 UTC
lol I should've saved my bitching about the Les Mis movie for this post and not FFAF. When my mom heard me complaining about it, she decided she wanted to see it, so I had to sit through it for a second time in 48 hours.

Anyway, I hope this new production gets a tour so I can see it. I'm going to New York in December, and there's no way I can afford to go back again three months later.


polekatz November 17 2013, 03:51:07 UTC
...why'd you go again though? I think you're just showing off the fact that you left your house (maybe).


thespockingdead November 17 2013, 04:02:02 UTC
lol I didn't leave my house, I'm a lazy fuck. I watched it once by myself online, and then my mom rented it at Redbox. At least I didn't pay anything.


polekatz November 17 2013, 04:42:48 UTC
omg, wow wow wow did not see the word movie in front of les mis and assumed you meant the stage show so i was bitter and lashed out. hahaha, yeah the movie was ok, it didn't make me wanna see it again or own the dvd and the singing was very sub par with the exception of aaron and samantha and occasionally eddie.

Plan to see the stage show again for the fourth time, so good!


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brandnewinfo November 17 2013, 03:37:49 UTC
I thought Aladdin is replacing Mary Poppins?


logan_lerman November 17 2013, 03:45:51 UTC
i think they mean in toronto where the show is playing rn


brandnewinfo November 17 2013, 03:49:12 UTC
Oh, okay. I was confused for a sec. Thanks!


bodylikemind November 17 2013, 03:34:15 UTC
omg just take all my money broadway


aglows November 17 2013, 03:34:22 UTC
Kyleee lives! YES!


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