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cricketgrl September 4 2013, 01:22:34 UTC
What's his shady past? Spill the tea sis!


evett September 4 2013, 01:32:55 UTC
In 1976, during Argentina's dictatorship, the navy kidnapped priests Orlando Yorio and Francisco Jalics. Some have accused Francis, then provincial superior for the Society of Jesus, of not doing enough to assert his influence and free them. They were found five months later ( ... )


latexana September 4 2013, 01:46:11 UTC
so many influential people have some dirt relating to the south american dictatorships. like, you know, jfk.


lathwen1 September 4 2013, 03:37:26 UTC
Verbitsky is kirchnerista.

The current president in our country started a campaign against Francisco lying with his involvement with the military during the dictatorship, because he was clearly against her corruption, and talked against her politics when he was archbishop.

People who were kidnapped and were victims of the dictatorship have talked, now, and during the investigation in his favor. They said he saved them, helped them leave the country so they wouldn't be kidnapped, tortured or killed. And helped them meet secretly their relatives and children when they were hidden.

Nothing was ever proved cause the allegations were false, and the people doing the accusations had a clear agenda against those who don't or didn't support the political movements.


rarkon September 4 2013, 01:33:19 UTC
Some people claim he worked for the military government during the late 70s and 80s. Besides, he and Cristina K (Argentina's president) supposedly hate each other.


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