Movies you watched as a child that you should re-watch as an adult.

Aug 05, 2013 19:15

The Title pretty much explains itself. As children we watch movies most not suitable for our ages. All in inuendos go right over our heads but what we can remember is that movie was enjoyable. But when you decide as an adult to watch those movies again, you notice you have a different experience. Mostly because you understand all those jokes now. ( Read more... )

patrick swayze, list, disney, ontd original, cartoon / children's show, jim carrey, cameron diaz

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Comments 388

superdogbiter August 6 2013, 03:17:42 UTC
Hunchback of notre dame


blacktinbox August 6 2013, 03:32:53 UTC


ohmiya_sg August 6 2013, 03:51:34 UTC
idk I realized how fucked up it was at the time.


ellecain August 6 2013, 03:52:05 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

zeldazonked August 6 2013, 03:23:28 UTC
I feel like it would still be just as creepy of a movie if I watched it today. Negl, though, I still use this brilliant insult:

... )


xtinkerbellax August 6 2013, 03:24:48 UTC
lol I legit sent this as a text to my sister the other day, I knew she'd appreciate the reference.


bonjourdanee August 6 2013, 03:35:05 UTC
lol, I still use that. I forgot where I'd gotten it from!


crucified August 6 2013, 03:17:53 UTC
I've been wanting to watch Matilda so much lately.


maryastor August 6 2013, 03:28:17 UTC
I rewatched it after I saw the musical, it's a great film.


ohmiya_sg August 6 2013, 03:51:59 UTC
It's on Netflix. :D


bumblebee2537 August 6 2013, 11:33:59 UTC
They show Matilda regularly here in the UK. We always watch it whenever it is on.


hermionedanger August 6 2013, 03:18:53 UTC
I attended a Beetlejuice themed birthday party when I was six and it was and is still the best party of my life.


lovinewan December 25 2013, 05:14:27 UTC
That's so cute, do you remember any details about it? Like what did they do to go with the theme?


hermionedanger December 25 2013, 06:05:00 UTC
haha, yes they made Lydia Deetz capes for everyone to wear (a la the cartoon), they had a face painter who made us look goth, and a Beetlejuice dude showed up and did magic tricks. Pretty sure there were sandworm decorations and lots of creepy party favors.


lovinewan December 26 2013, 06:56:20 UTC
Adorable! Thanks for sharing


zeldazonked August 6 2013, 03:19:06 UTC

... )


what did he say? bobocalyth August 6 2013, 06:04:28 UTC
Fuck you?


Re: what did he say? zeldazonked August 6 2013, 18:58:37 UTC
That's Queen Dawn Weiner, and yes, she's mouthing 'Fuck You' at her little sister, I believe. Here's the clip. :)


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