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mots_inutiles May 25 2013, 18:11:04 UTC
I personally love his music. He has a very strong personality, but his music is fucking awesome. I can't stop listening to him performing "Black Skinhead" on SNL, and I don't really give a fuck if people don't get what he's trying to do. Sometimes his lyrics are just so over-the-top and excessively self-absorbed, but to me that's just more of a comment on what society hates about successful rappers more than anything else. His other songs, like most of the ones off of Graduation and College Drop Out, are so fucking honest. I appreciate his music. People who don't understand it or don't bother to decipher it can gtfo as far as I'm concerned.


blindedxheart May 26 2013, 05:13:16 UTC
This. Up and down, this. College Drop-out and Late Registration have some of the best lyrics I've ever heard! Especially "Roses", "All Falls Down" and "Spaceship".

Kanyesus is the king of assonance.


rokspa May 25 2013, 19:13:52 UTC
lol madge is basic tho

... )


sofiascarlett May 25 2013, 19:57:09 UTC
Basic people don't get to have her type of career that also spans over 3 decades. Nice try though.


quiet_storm May 25 2013, 21:37:30 UTC
This comment is so on point it's ridiculous.


sofiascarlett May 25 2013, 23:18:08 UTC
Ty! Cute icon btw :)


rokspa May 26 2013, 00:32:52 UTC
she is basic now

... )


sofiascarlett May 26 2013, 00:47:07 UTC
the person in your gif, ia


goldmansackz May 25 2013, 20:09:51 UTC
shut the fuck up

make a livejournal account not a facebook and say dat 2 my face


rokspa May 26 2013, 00:30:31 UTC
I have a stranger seething
yaaas my job is done for today

... )


vespertinev May 27 2013, 09:26:02 UTC
Tais looked flawless on Cannes this year.


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