Blind Item Time!

Oct 11, 2012 13:23

CDANWhat male singer from a reality show who can't quite get out of the closet because he thinks it might affect his non-existent career or popularity which has never come close to matching the expectations that were thrust upon him at one time had a nasty fight with his former lover who is openly gay and also a singer. The former lover was tired ( Read more... )

janet jackson, britney spears, kris allen, justin timberlake, adam lambert, blind item

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dynamite_state October 11 2012, 17:55:58 UTC
this #1 drama rn. I want to believe


hrdtxpln October 11 2012, 18:21:13 UTC
What's with people assuming all these guys out there are closeted homosexuals?


disclosure October 11 2012, 19:58:46 UTC
We had a lot of reasons for this particular guy lol


hrdtxpln October 11 2012, 20:01:32 UTC
But isn't he married?


disclosure October 11 2012, 20:06:34 UTC
Because no southern Christian married 22 year old could possibly be closeted..

Lol but for real, yes he is married. However there was a lot for the tin hatters to grab onto back then.


rctshack October 12 2012, 05:19:49 UTC
oh honey. I grew up in the south. 2 of my high school classmates have had children and since come out as gay. It's sad the mentality down there.


eclecticmuse October 12 2012, 22:51:29 UTC
My sister's husband threw her out and came out last year after 6 and a half years of marriage. (we're in Alabama)


rctshack October 13 2012, 01:05:43 UTC
Ouch. It's terrible how messed up it can make people by making them or scarring them to suppress it. Just like anything else, keeping it hidden will make it boil over later on.


eclecticmuse October 13 2012, 02:14:58 UTC
I know. :( The whole situation was so bizarre and fucked up. He maintains that my sister always knew he was gay (but she was the only woman he's ever been attracted to, so I'm supposing he identifies as gay and not bisexual, but that still makes me side-eye reeeeeal hard) but it was a complete and total surprise to the rest of us. What makes it even more awkward is that me and him still get along well (we work together), though there's always going to be that huge pink elephant in the room between us now.

I'm glad for my sister. She was devastated, but she's finally getting her life restarted: she just started grad school in England and is seeing someone for the first time.



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