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filthy_glitter December 6 2011, 23:17:15 UTC
I'm sure he was being obnoxious about it. She probably already told him to turn it off.


killerqueen December 6 2011, 23:22:11 UTC


screwhim December 6 2011, 23:34:22 UTC
Could just be an asshole like 95% of flight attendants.


telemann December 6 2011, 23:43:24 UTC

... )


aurelia92 December 6 2011, 23:45:21 UTC
who do you fly with? i fly a lot and none of them have ever bothered me. a lot of them are super nice tbh..


nuclearsex December 6 2011, 23:53:00 UTC


screwhim December 6 2011, 23:53:18 UTC
delta mainly
air tran
southwestern (the absolute fucking worst airline imaginable)


aurelia92 December 6 2011, 23:56:02 UTC
oh lol we were talking about southwestern in class.. as an example of a great airline (from a managerial pov though)

but yeah, i fly around europe mostly so that might explain it? BA, BMI, Austrian, Lufthansa..


screwhim December 7 2011, 01:23:56 UTC
Yeah - whenever I've taken an Asian airline it's been so amazing it's bananas. Then you get on an American airline and some entitled, shameless, hateful flight attendant yells at you about having a backpack that is bigger than any backpack she's ever seen.


piratesswoop December 8 2011, 21:26:36 UTC
southwestERN or southwest?

i fly southwest more than any other airline and i've never had any issues


xathenex December 7 2011, 00:31:41 UTC
I fly a lot too, and unfortunately with most American airlines it seems to be 50-50. Some are super sweet, but an equal amount are assholes.

But whenever I fly an Asian airline they are always super nice and friendly.


purepulp December 7 2011, 00:47:21 UTC
Same. I've had one who had a bit of a "really? why do I have to help you?" look on their face, but the poor cow was about to start a long haul flight servicing the needs of a huge plane full of people, so I forgave her.


menorahmajora December 8 2011, 00:54:59 UTC
that's no excuse to be a dick. I have to serve a storeful of customers for hours on end and I don't even get the perk of traveling the fucking world while I do it. I have zero sympathy for flight attendants because I'd kill to be in their little black sensible shoes, because at this point that would be the only way I'd get to travel outside of the US in this lifetime.


nicolesnitchie December 7 2011, 02:12:00 UTC
same. air france attendants are kind of rude though.


boss_sister December 7 2011, 04:18:31 UTC
Continental/United is great.

British Airways is the WORST!


_underwhelmed December 7 2011, 04:40:20 UTC
air canada attendants are dicks. korean air is the best in everything including flight attendants


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