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musicalpenguins July 5 2008, 18:31:17 UTC
If I ever said "I don't need brains" my mom would punch me so many times with a right, I'd be begging for a left.
And I would've deserved it.
Because that is disgusting.


vivisexion July 5 2008, 18:31:49 UTC
For real. That comment of hers freaked me out so badly.


musicalpenguins July 5 2008, 18:35:29 UTC
Then again look at the mom in question...she doesn't appear to have two brain cells to rub together so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The woman should be spayed.


sekhmet2 July 5 2008, 19:13:23 UTC
That made me lol....and it's so very true because my mom would have done the same thing.


deadendqueen16 July 5 2008, 19:15:48 UTC
Seriously! I remember being a kid and telling my mom that I wanted to marry a rich man so I'd never have to work, and she read me the riot act in the middle of the supermarket.


truthofthewords July 5 2008, 20:19:35 UTC
haha I still say this to my mom and she's like "Get an education and make your own money!" and goes into a long speech. I would be smacked so bad if I was this little girl


firecracked July 5 2008, 19:20:16 UTC
My mom never told me I was pretty until I left for college and matured because she didn't want me to grow up being one of those arrogant assholes who thought I could just get by on my looks.

My mum would have punched me too if I said that. I would, though, because I'm a total nerd. Thanks mom!


truthofthewords July 5 2008, 20:20:51 UTC
haha my mom always told me I needed to "grow into my looks" lol and basically did the same thing, though she was doing it more out of honesty than anything else. But I am so thankful, after looking at these idiots.


staygoldpnyboy July 6 2008, 07:42:11 UTC
i want my child to think they are pretty so they dont go seek validation from men, but i want her to think she is smart too, and that is far more valuable then being pretty.


anakisa July 5 2008, 19:21:58 UTC
omg, I loled irl. But yeah, my mum would do the same.


larkie July 5 2008, 19:27:08 UTC
My mom would just fix me with her classic angry Italian New Yorker glare and I would be praying for a swift and easy death.


schmandalous July 5 2008, 19:31:39 UTC
The angry Italian New Yorker glare is my fave. :)


firewatercrotch July 6 2008, 04:18:35 UTC
hahaha omg Margo. I used to love that book back in the day. Oh 1993.


schmandalous July 6 2008, 05:10:17 UTC
Margo was the shit!


musicalpenguins July 5 2008, 19:37:28 UTC
Ugh, my dad is the glare-er of the bunch...moms a slapper and it HURTS


digmeout July 5 2008, 19:43:45 UTC
oh god my dad has the Italian New Yorker glare and it still scares the shit out of me as an adult


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