The cast of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 attended the premiere of their film in Los Angeles. Absent was Idris Elba.
Opens December 20.
Summary: Sonic teams up with Robotnik to face off against Shadow, but Shadow and Sonic will probably be friends and fight Robotnik by the end. Tails and Knuckles are there too.
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Lol, yes I am! born and raised. Very testing sometimes bc I don't look like a lot of white canadians' idea of what a 'real' Canadian looks like. But yeah.
How about yourself?
Anywho I was gonna say see you were able to recognize them as Canadians cause you are Canadian eh!!
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that's true
just wondering, is it like that with British and Aussie actors too? like, om holland or Naomi Watts or Nicole Kidman or Russell Crowe etc or just for Canadians
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