As someone who hasn't kept up closely with Linkin Park despite them being a formative band in my youth, there's a lot of news to take in
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I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I'm glad they're back and I'm glad the rumours of a female singer is true... but listening to the live stream so far, I'm not really that impressed with her vocals and I'm finding all the key changes a bit jarring. I also think she screams a bit too much even on parts of songs that don't really need it. Maybe (hopefully) it'll grow on me.
I think she has a rly tough thing to balance, and I don't envy her for it. On the whole I was more impressed than I'd expected, since Chester brought such a distinct sound to the songs. Hers is def different. I enjoy the new song though, I think it helps that it's with/for her from the start.
And still sounds like Linkin Park.
I'm having a lot of emotions rn, but on the whole I'm quite happy.
I agree with you btw.
And still sounds like Linkin Park.
I'm having a lot of emotions rn, but on the whole I'm quite happy.
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