Buckingham Palace Promotes Its Strawberry Preserve Days After Meghan Markle Releases Line Of Jam

Apr 27, 2024 18:40

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Buckingham Palace is throwing some sweet shade at Meghan Markle. This week, Buckingham Palace Shop’s Instagram account shared a video promoting a royal strawberry preserve just days after the Duchess of Sussex unveiled her own jam line. Earlier this month, she announced that limited quantities of strawberry jam would be the first product from ( Read more... )

food / food industry, royalty / royal family

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Comments 206

fauxkaren April 28 2024, 01:42:52 UTC
Did Meghan actually release jam or did she just slap some stickers on 50 jars of jam and send it out to some Kardashians and Real Housewives? lol

Like... there's no launch date for her business. So right now her business is just a website with nothing to sell or do and an instagram that hasn't been updated since it launched... not even to promote this... rollout? PR stunt?? IDK.

Wow. Amazing.


sarahvma April 28 2024, 01:44:04 UTC
Seeding product ahead of a launch to build buzz is very standard.


fauxkaren April 28 2024, 01:45:59 UTC
Yeah but usually there is a launch date involved. This is… PR to promote something that she might sell at some point in the future????? Maybe? Who knows! There’s been no announcement that this is something she is going to actually sell!


sarahvma April 28 2024, 01:46:30 UTC
Why do you care?


screamingintune April 28 2024, 01:42:56 UTC
this is hilarious, the kind of pettiness I am here for these clowns pulling

also, Chrissy, I hate when people describe food as "rustic." That does not conjure an appetizing image for me.


nigelwitthebrie April 28 2024, 02:14:47 UTC
“Rustic” basically means what rich people think how provincial (in the sticks) people live.

But I also get what you mean cuz rustic just sounds rusty lol


screamingintune April 28 2024, 02:22:48 UTC
I know it just means like, "simple" in cooking terms but it just conjures up an image of a dusty old cabin where you have to eat like, crappy camp food like hot dogs and beans over a fire lol


nigelwitthebrie April 28 2024, 02:23:31 UTC
Ohhhh gotcha lol 😆


pikapika217 April 28 2024, 01:44:15 UTC
Anything to distract from the rumors of Charles being dead I suppose LOL


screamingintune April 28 2024, 01:45:51 UTC
lmao is that really a rumor?


fauxkaren April 28 2024, 01:47:58 UTC
If you’re dumb then yes. Lol. I think it was reported that his funeral plans were being reviewed or something and people took that as meaning he’s on death’s door. But then a state visit was announced for June so like don’t think they’d announce that if Charles’s doctors didn’t think he’d be up for that.


varioussaints April 28 2024, 03:58:44 UTC
honestly more people should review their funeral plans (and have wills drawn up!). I don’t think he’s long for this world but he could still drag it out a couple more years, his father had insane longevity for a crypt keeper.


sarahvma April 28 2024, 01:45:51 UTC
The palace trying to play PR games after the last few months is… bold, I’ll give them that.


genbu_no_miko24 April 28 2024, 01:51:39 UTC

Yeah I remember hearing Charles has his own brand of jams from his Highgrove Estate. I'm curious at how much Meghan is gonna be charging cause I looked at Charles's jams and they're reasonable at around $8 and under. But if she charges some high numbers then yeah an easy win for the Palace. LOL THIS IS ALL SO PETTY OMG!!

Kris Jenner got one too. Meghan would send some to Chrissy Teigen......t r a s h. Kris and Chrissy...girl you not beating those social climber allegations with these 2 especially Kris!!

I can see Kris loving this cause this is her closest connection to royalty although this is probably more of an advantage for the Kardashian than H&M.


screamingintune April 28 2024, 01:54:21 UTC
lol is it really social climbing if you have an actual royal title and you're trying to socialize with influencer types? It feels like social backsliding tbh


genbu_no_miko24 April 28 2024, 02:00:54 UTC
Very true and a point was made!

But Meghan has pretty always wanted to be in these types of circles (honestly any type of elite high or low circles). It's pretty strategic who getting these jams. Like Chrissy has already released a cookbook and kitchenware and has a familiarity in that market. It's been mentioned that Meghan wants to do similar with ARO.

Although I think Chrissy is the worst and personally would never want to be associated with her.


fauxkaren April 28 2024, 02:00:28 UTC
Meghan, who hates cyber bullying, sending jam to noted cyber bully Chrissy Teigen, is certain a choice! (almost like maybe Meghan only cares about cyber bullying when she is the one being bullied....)


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