Mariska Hargitay pauses Law & Order: SVU shoot to help lost child who mistook her for real cop

Apr 19, 2024 13:36

'Law & Order: SVU' star Mariska Hargitay recently channeled Capt. Olivia Benson by pausing a shoot to help a little girl who mistook her for a real police officer.
- Entertainment Weekly (@EW) April 17, 2024
A lost girl saw Mariska Hargitay filming SVU and mistook her for a real cop and asked her for help. Hargitay paused ( Read more... )

law and order (nbc), mariska hargitay

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Comments 46

allmylines April 19 2024, 20:04:08 UTC
acab except olivia benson!!!!


rabbittail7 April 19 2024, 22:58:12 UTC


automaticpeople April 19 2024, 20:04:31 UTC
The cynic in me, “well yeah what was she going to do, completely ignore the kid?”.

It just comes out.

Glad the kid got help though.


lolzerz April 19 2024, 20:15:49 UTC
the cynic in me, the child was a set up so her mom could meet mariska.


sweetwaterlane April 19 2024, 21:07:45 UTC

haha same 👺

::makes mental note to direct future kid toward Mariska whilst i go hide in bushes. Then dust off the Hero - Mariah Carey soundtrack and await tiktok fame::

j/k j/k


spellgabbana April 19 2024, 23:08:43 UTC
lmao i jokingly said to my mom, "i call bullshit, that kid wanted to meet mariska. what a smart move!"


frankthesheep April 19 2024, 20:06:26 UTC
Did she just recognise her from TV?

Also, how far away was the mum? I bet the mum sent her over.


skyler_white_yo April 19 2024, 20:18:08 UTC
Olivia was in costume and wearing her badge, and the little girl saw the badge and thought she was a real cop.


irajaxon April 19 2024, 20:10:52 UTC
the parallel universes intersected and olivia benson existed in our reality for 20 minutes! seriously, though, mariska is legitimately kind.

thank you for making this post, op. i wanted to make it yesterday but twitter is unusable and unsearchable if you don't have a login and i refuse to make an account and surrender to local man's dumb rules, lol.


anagramofbrat April 19 2024, 20:14:09 UTC

This is genuinely adorable and I'm not only commenting so I can use my old Mariska icon from like 12 years ago lol

(but seriously Olivia Benson >>>> all cops)


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