Apes Watch Sasquatch Sunset with Jesse Eisenberg and the Zellner Bros

Apr 18, 2024 09:55

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Bonobos at the Ape Initiative were given a special screening of Sasquatch Country with Jesse Eisenberg and the film’s directors.

If you're interested in supporting Kanzi, Teco, Clara, Mali, and the other bonobos at the Ape Initiative, visit https://www.apeinitiative.org


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film, jesse eisenberg

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Comments 13

ahkna April 18 2024, 21:11:21 UTC

The gorillas at the Toronto Zoo sometimes have movie showings, where they push a tv up to a door that you can't see from the public viewing area. Apparently they really like Tarzan


screamingintune April 18 2024, 21:36:16 UTC
My friend Chad used to work at the Center For Great Apes here in Florida, and Michael Jackson's chimp Bubbles lived there, and Bubbles WANTED TO MURDER CHAD. Every time Chad would walk by Bubbles' enclosure, he would go fucking NUTS with incandescent rage


futrefilmdirctr April 19 2024, 02:03:24 UTC
I’m going to say it because no one else has:

FUCK CHAD. Chad did something and Bubbles was a witness.


screamingintune April 19 2024, 02:07:55 UTC
you have no idea how much this is making me laugh because we are always ragging on Chad, lol. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, CHAD!" is a slogan, and then Chad laughs and is like I LOVE VISITING YOU GUYS. He would probably appreciate your comment.

all kidding aside Chad is a good guy but also, FUCK CHAD!


shittysoup April 18 2024, 22:20:42 UTC
Show them Planet of the Apes instead, cowards!


akillarian April 19 2024, 02:23:48 UTC
Don't want to them ideas now!!!!


akillarian April 19 2024, 02:33:00 UTC
Joking aside, I used to be indifferent to gorillas and apes in general until I saw Planet of the Apes. The movie made me scare of Gorillas. The documentaries of male Apes fighting in zoos don't help either. It also doesn't help that for years, some people love to bring up Apes' and some animals aggressive behaviours to justify their own aggressive behaviours as human nature, Alpha and other violent and sexist beliefs.

Watching Baby Jameela lead me to watching some Gorillas in the wild video. I didn't know until recently they are a very gentle species and they were in danger of going extinct at one time. Yes, the male Gorilla can be aggressive when they want to establish dominant and drive other male competitors away. Young males can also peacefully look for their own place because they are not forced to be in a small space like a zoo. They are general peaceful. They play and watch their young and let the young annoy them as young kids do.


xbriyeon April 19 2024, 16:10:03 UTC
also gorillas have very different body language! ie. staring them in the eye = direct challenge, which they don't even like to do to humans, when they seem happy from a human's perspective they're actually in distress and when they look kinda grumpy they're actually happy, iirc


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