Police report filed over creepy ‘Omen’ press campaign

Apr 13, 2024 19:40

For #TheFirstOmen, 20th Century sent journalists strange drawings in handwritten envelopes with no explanation. One blogger, who also happens to be running for office, was convinced she’d been targeted by right-wing terrorists and filed a police report https://t.co/9vq7xfD8kI pic.twitter.com/EtRc6zXI4T
- The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) April 13, 2024
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noodlecookie April 14 2024, 08:44:34 UTC
“most people had fun with it.”

Oh well that makes it ok then.

Sidenote I've noticed since more millennials are entering the marketing business that adverts are getting more and more millennial focused and (I say this as a millennial) it's so obvious and always cringe.


xtinkerbellax April 14 2024, 11:21:27 UTC
I'm always like, a bit taken aback by how braindead most advertising is. It's largely painful to watch, esp if they make an attempt at any kind of humor.


angriest_girl April 14 2024, 11:44:47 UTC
That read to me like such an unsympathetic dig too - like MOST people had fun with it, unlike that one person who went sooking to the cops.

What an arse.


alwayspolaris April 14 2024, 11:55:52 UTC
Everything targeted at millennials and gen z is so cringe, because if they did even a bit of research they'd see our generations are highly mistrustful of ads and attempts at relatability. Influencers do unfortunately work and the companies pivoting to partnerships are smart. But still like...we don't have that much money? Focus on Boomers and Gen X. There's more of them and they spend more and more recklessly than we do (on average).


noodlecookie April 14 2024, 16:48:23 UTC
Mte especially about the disposable income. The millennials that can afford all the shite they're selling are the older ones who are usually already married and owning/in the process of owning a home. And that's a tiny, barely visible portion of the generation.


totteringg April 14 2024, 19:36:53 UTC
Is it really a tiny, barely visible portion of the generation? The majority of millennials are homeowners.


sandstorm April 14 2024, 19:40:09 UTC

I was curious about this; You're right! It's a slim majority, but it is one!


noodlecookie April 14 2024, 19:48:11 UTC
Oh it must be a UK thing then because we're still far behind other generations here.


sandstorm April 14 2024, 12:58:08 UTC

jfc I hate millenial targeted advertising.
  • "connect with your family and make memories with ziploc plastic bags" - girl it's a plastic bag go home
  • "Hi, sis! I know you want this cheddar and broccoli soup from panera for the fam, so you can SLAY THE DAY!" - it's hospital food, go home
  • *5 gifs, 30 emoji in an email about job hunting* - AHHHHHH JUST GIVE ME THE INFORMATION AND GO HOME

Gen Z I don't mind so much, it's rapid and flashy bc of lack of attention spans so I don't have to watch it for long. Trying to be relatable because we're distrustful and poor in order to make lifelong consumers is just cringy.


pseudonygma April 14 2024, 13:13:29 UTC
I didn't like Mad Men as a show but I have watched enough of the first season wonder what Don Draper would think of the marketing landscape today. It use to be such a glamorous and romanticised job but now...? Marketing means making ads that everyone's brain has been wired to ignore.

I literally missed a column of navigation boxes on the side of the online system we're using at work because my brain decided that if there's 3 columns then the skinny one on the far right are ads (it most definitely WASN'T) so pay no heed to it, lmao


tetrazzinichikn April 14 2024, 16:39:12 UTC


pseudonygma April 16 2024, 07:01:22 UTC
I KNOW!! I felt like such a dumbass when IT got involved and was like "What are you talking about? It's right there!" (but like... much more professional manner)

I was so beyond mortified when I realized how badly my brain betrayed me TT_____TT


noodlecookie April 14 2024, 16:52:27 UTC
Lmao yes, there must be loads of us who have trained our brains into becoming an ad blocker.


milkradio April 14 2024, 21:16:11 UTC
The other day I was thinking of how desensitized I've become to awful porn pop-ups when try to stream a movie that isn't yet on a streaming platform in Canada and I hate that it's so common that I just mentally block it out as I immediately click out. I wish I could have chrome add-ons on an iPad so I could have Adblock.


lovechild April 14 2024, 13:35:47 UTC
Now we have young millennials and older gen z running social media accounts. It is odd seeing them attempt to make a brand relatable by interacting with customers with the use of memes or the catchphrase of the day or being sassy with the accounts of other brands.

I do think the KFC dating sim was an interesting marketing choice as it was something original and a lot of ppl seemed to like it.


noodlecookie April 14 2024, 16:57:16 UTC
Mte they think they're slick with it as well lol. Idk if you've seen the UK national lottery advert? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd7AEVvR3BI The younger generations barely play it anymore since we all know it's a scam, so they try to make it look more appealing with this EDM/north-london/"how do you do fellow kids" type garbage.


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