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Comments 167

drnilescrane April 7 2024, 04:55:23 UTC
though i think the sky broadcast is infinitely shittier i can't trust lawrence barretto to not annoy me tonight


koushiba April 7 2024, 04:57:08 UTC
Against my better judgement I’ve made myself a cup of peppermint/chamomile tea


angedesoir April 7 2024, 04:57:38 UTC
1hr38 min until the Dutch anthem, let’s go!
(Just as long until I can go back to bed)


drnilescrane April 7 2024, 04:59:12 UTC
i want to hear the italian anthem again pls


angedesoir April 7 2024, 05:03:35 UTC
Same bb, same 🥹


koushiba April 7 2024, 04:58:03 UTC
Ugh this seasons been rough for Gasly so far 😩 Alpine wydddd


treenotree April 7 2024, 05:10:21 UTC
I keep wondering what all those celeb investors they got last year are thinking lmao. Alpine has been a real struggle bus


I chase65 April 7 2024, 05:38:53 UTC
There is probably still a tax advantage and even a struggling team might be nice to have a piece of. That's probably what made it easy(ier) for them to get in on it.

One upon a time I wanted to own a baseball team, before I really understood how much sports franchises cost and remembered I'm poor. I figure a team on the struggle bus is what to look for.


beysactingcoach April 7 2024, 04:58:57 UTC
Need to do my rewatch of the 1989 Suzuka GP so I can feel something 😩


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