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Comments 14

therearewords April 4 2024, 11:31:46 UTC
Okay but the host is very sexy?


therearewords April 4 2024, 11:32:20 UTC
Oh, cheese. I love almost all except for the (very) young ones.


deerlike April 4 2024, 12:17:56 UTC
It's so hard to pick one cheese because it's very situational and depends on what you're eating it with/within: sometimes I love nothing more than (Greek) feta, sometimes paneer, sometimes parmigiano, sometimes halloumi, sometimes brie, sometimes red leicester, sometimes gruyère. Also, certain cheeses cooperate with my lowered lactose tolerance better than others.


anterrabre April 4 2024, 17:39:56 UTC
Red leicester is god-tier cheese, lol. I get it whenever it's available at Trader Joes.


babarsuhail April 4 2024, 14:04:09 UTC
I miss Padma, but Kristen is doing a great job. She is doing her own thing instead of copying Padma's hosting style.
Michelle is killing it and should give herself more credit instead of saying she's just a pitmaster.
I knew Kenny was not long for this competition but I am surprised that Manny wasn't eliminated this week. He made a soggy croquet and literally put cheese curds on top of it.


behansu April 4 2024, 14:08:36 UTC
Agreed about Manny. But I wonder if the judges take into account the overall factor? Because Manny had some other good dishes in previous weeks. I never know if their decisions are based on that week/dish solely, everything overall, or a combination of both.


babarsuhail April 4 2024, 14:14:58 UTC
Oh, yeah. I think I read on the top chef subreddit someone mentioning that the judges will be looking at overall performances during eliminations this season.


silverstarry April 4 2024, 14:42:49 UTC

II was sure that Manny was the one leaving since he didn't even attempt to do anything with his cheese curds. Isn't that worse than what Kenny did?

I totally agree about Michelle! It's only week 3 and she has already made several really good dishes. Love her!

I liked that the judges said Kaleena's dish was good, and not just because it was one of the few non-fried/non-croquette dishes. Keep up the good work!

I was a little confused about the slipper kitchen floor situation. I know Charly spilled cream on the floor and it looked like he didn't clean it up. Later Laura slipped in what looked like the same spot and warned everyone that it was slippery. After that, Dan fell in the same spot but blamed Laura. Did anything actually spill out of her pot? Or was he just assuming it was her fault because she pointed out that it was slippery?


behansu April 4 2024, 14:15:52 UTC
Fav cheeses to eat for flavor alone: fontina and hvarti. Fav cheeses to cook with: parm, paneer, queso fresco.

Michelle is so my girl, I love her so much! She's always saying that she's never done something before in the kitchen, and then she proceeds to just absolutely smash it. So talented. I'm starting to like Rasika too. Tbh there isn't anyone yet that grates on my nerves. Everyone seems really likeable.

Though whenever I watch TC, one thing I'm always reminded of is the amount of plastic waste on the show, and in the food industry in general. I wish there were better solutions/options than wrapping everything in plastic wrap.

Lastly, I'm super excited for next week's Frank Lloyd Wright theme.


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