Fan said Anthony Mackie was rude to her

Mar 27, 2024 14:37

One thing y'all gotta learn about Anthony Mackie; leave that man alone 😭😭😭 it's public knowledge he does NAWT like to be bothered in public & you crying cause he said no lmao
- Ichigo Niggasake (@SomaKazima) March 26, 2024

Anthony Mackie was trending because of his attitude & rude treatment to a fan.

There was a debate on twitter :

- "Anthony is being vilified because fans don't know how to respect peoples' personal space/boundaries. He is literally not obligated to speak or engage with anyone."

- "Anthony Mackie was rude and y'all are so used to being disrespected and BEING disrespectful that you don't recognize when there should be a politeness standard. Then y'all wonder why the community is crumbling like a sinkhole"



fandom / stan culture, anthony mackie
