Bowen Yang on Seth Meyers

Mar 12, 2024 06:06

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Bowen Yang talks about how he used to go to the local Best Buy in Colorado when he was 14 years old to play Dance Dance Revolution against the Best Buy employees ( Read more... )

sydney sweeney, ariana grande, saturday night live (nbc), asian celebrities, late night talk show, interview

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Comments 34

peddlestools March 12 2024, 14:05:34 UTC
I was at a target and there was only one bag of chocolate gelt left except it was broken so I took the loose pieces

but also don't shoplift at target because they have a forensic unit that they loan out to cops because it's so much more advanced than theirs. they also keep track of shoplifters over time and wait for you to steal enough that they can bring felony charges against you


silverstarry March 13 2024, 08:50:03 UTC

A few years ago, I read about how serious the Target team is. Someone asked how high tech their cameras are and they said, "We can read the text you're looking at on your phone." Ever since then, I don't want to provide them with any amusement by letting them read the ridiculous stuff on my phone.


cuteej4 March 13 2024, 15:27:30 UTC
I worked at Target in the electronics department and yeah. I always thought they were chill about shoplifters but they had undercover guys in the area most of the time. One of my coworkers was buying something at the register when a guy stole a purse from a woman from the register next to her. She ran after him out the store and got the purse back. She actually got in trouble for doing that but it was more of a talking to because the guy knew he did wrong and the woman with the purse was so grateful.


wonheaux March 12 2024, 14:16:59 UTC
yes, unfortunately. i had to when i was living with a friend in their car. :c we stole food through the self checkout. we only took what we needed.


epicdonald March 12 2024, 14:23:34 UTC
The only thing I've ever shoplifted was some eye drops. I was at Walmart with a friend and took them off the shelf, then while we were wandering the store I slipped the bottle out of the box and into my sleeve. And put the box back on the way out.

16 years later they still haven't caught me!


zibbydoo324 March 12 2024, 14:28:37 UTC
I steal from my old place of employment almost every time I go in. It is a grocery store chain run by billionaires. I don’t feel bad. It doesn’t matter what the employees do; they will only get a “bonus“ of $100 every other year.

What do I do? I tag things for cheaper. Kishu mandarins are amazing and like 9 dollars a pound. I ring them up as a cheaper mandarin. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I do a variation of that most trips and then self checkout. Did this with persimmons (3 bucks a piece) and prickly pears (2 for a dollar).


helliosx March 12 2024, 19:13:56 UTC
I wish I didn't have anxiety because I wanted to check napa cabbage as regular cabbage on the self checkout, because napa was 2x the price, but I got so afraid I'd get caught.


zibbydoo324 March 12 2024, 19:35:47 UTC
Girl, I doubt you get caught. My big tip is to scan something honest right after to clear the pic. But as someone who used to be a cashier, we weren't paid enough to care.
Good luck if you choose to try!


lolzerz March 12 2024, 14:33:27 UTC
Technically im banned from whole foods because i ate a slice of pizza without paying in 2009 (high school). Been there a million times since tho.


zibbydoo324 March 12 2024, 14:48:48 UTC
Suck it Bezos!


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