Twitter users point out it's the 23rd spring since Jeepers Creepers came out; Creeper returns?

Mar 09, 2024 15:44

This would’ve been a good time to release another ‘Jeepers Creepers’, seeing as he comes every 23 years and feeds for 23 days.

…this spring will be the 23rd year, since the movie was originally released.

WHO fumbled that?
- COCO🤎✨ (@COCOtheVIRGO) March 3, 2024
Various users on Twitter are pointing out that the legend of ( Read more... )

anniversary / birthday, go girl give us nothing, 2000s, creepy post

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theoryofwar March 9 2024, 22:30:20 UTC
Why is no one talking about it? IDK, does the disgusting name Victor Salva mean anything you? Why would anyone want their name attached to that series?


lanrek March 9 2024, 22:31:42 UTC
mte how embarrassing


automaticpeople March 9 2024, 22:32:50 UTC
I don’t think he’s involved anymore.


theoryofwar March 9 2024, 22:36:18 UTC
I don't know if he is or not, but all I think of when I see Jeepers Creepers is that skeevy slimeball. I used to love the movie, but I won't even watch it or any of the following films. It's too disgusting for me to enjoy.


automaticpeople March 9 2024, 22:38:00 UTC
I just looked it up and I was wrong. I was under the impression that he wasn’t involved with the 3rd movie, but he directed and wrote it.


theoryofwar March 9 2024, 22:39:37 UTC
Why is he not in prison??? I mean, I know why, gross rich people win, but jfc.


theleveebroke March 9 2024, 22:38:20 UTC
Just skimmed the wiki and though he was the writer/director for JC3 in 2017 it looks like he wasn't involved with Reborn, but that one had its own set of legal issues

Imo it would be best to let the franchise die and just get a spiritual successor by a better director/writers in a few years' time


automaticpeople March 9 2024, 22:40:47 UTC
That’s the one I’m thinking off! I thought my memory was off, but I vaguely remember another JC existing.


pepsi_twist9 March 9 2024, 22:46:17 UTC
This was the first thing that came to mind. I loved the movies, they are some of the best horror movies but I'm not concerned with continuing its legacy. Watch the originals if you want but let's not do this.


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