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Comments 15

ginainabottle March 9 2024, 17:45:46 UTC
I’m enjoying my Saturday afternoon high and the timing of this post is GLORIOUS! off to marathon, thanks op ❤️❤️❤️


by_venoms_sting March 9 2024, 18:32:48 UTC
I hadn't heard of this show until this post. It sounds interesting. I'll have to give it a watch soon.


yami_no_hoshi March 9 2024, 19:32:15 UTC
I've never heard of this show and it sounds fun! thank you, OP!

it made me think of this sitcom that I don't think lasted long lol but it was about regular people living among superheroes...does that ring a bell to anyone? it had potential


fruitykogyaru March 9 2024, 20:17:37 UTC
yami_no_hoshi March 9 2024, 20:24:12 UTC
yes!! thank you!


cozysweater March 10 2024, 21:27:40 UTC
Just finished this season and I loved it! I really enjoyed Jen’s character development and the development of Carrie and Kash!


poisonapple73 March 13 2024, 03:31:11 UTC
Really loved this season! [Spoiler] I cackled at the moment with Jen and her coach when he gave her the sticker and called her a good girl. It's not my kink but I know there's an internet contingent that felt that HARD.

My only issue this that I still don't see Jen and Jizzlord as a viable couple, at all, but maybe that's deliberate? Where's the interior book for that one?

Great development for Kash and Carrie this season.


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