Farscape's Ben Browder Told James Gunn He Ripped off Farscape for GotG

Mar 05, 2024 11:50

- After seeing the original Guardians of the Galaxy, actor Ben Browder ran into James Gunn at the Saturn Awards in the mid-2010s and mentioned how much GotG resembled the 1999 science fiction classic TV series Farscape. It ended up leading to a cameo in GotG 2.

- James Gunn has since spoken about the influence of Farscape in particular on the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and cited it as one of his favorite shows (as has Dan Harmon, the creator of Community / Rick & Morty, both of which have Farscape references in their series).

- "When I went to see Guardians, I watched it and I went, 'This is fantastic. That dude stole my show,'" Browder told MovieWeb in a recent interview.

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Who else watched Farscape as a tween/teen? Because almost every Farscape fan I've met was either a middle-aged man or 12/13-year-old girls like me when it came out. Also, has anyone invested in the 25th anniversary comics re-release Kickstarter?
ETA: The 25th anniversary of the premiere of Farscape is two weeks from today FYI, so we're all old, fellow fans from the original run!

television - syfy, marvel, muppets / jim henson, superman / smallville, sci-fi
