10 (5) Music Soundtracks That Are Better Than the Movie

Mar 03, 2024 21:44

There are occasions when a film’s soundtrack stands alone as a masterpiece, outlasting the movie by decades.

Romeo and Juliet (1996) Various Artists

Do you remember the movie or the soundtrack better? For me, it’s the latter - who can argue with the list of talent that includes Radiohead, Garbage, and the Cardigans? One might argue that the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack is peak-nineties cool.

Chariots of Fire (1981) Vangelis

Vangelis' deep analog synth-based soundscapes are a huge part of the film’s success; the spine-tingling title theme must be one of the most iconic musical arrangements ever written.

You Were Never Really Here (2017) Johnny Greenwood

The Radiohead and Smile guitarist is also a concert-level violinist with an astounding solo discography, including There Will Be Blood and Phantom Thread. His collaboration with Scots director Lynne Ramsay on her experimentally dark You Were Never Really Here is transcendent

Top Gun (1986) Various Artists

We all love Tom and Val’s brinkmanship, Tony Scott’s delicious aerial fighter set pieces, and that needless beach volleyball scene. However, can they beat Kenny Loggins’ “Danger Zone” or the fact that the Godfather of dance music, Georgio Moroder, was involved in several tracks? Either way, the Top Gun soundtrack wins this sky duel.

Singles (1992) Various

With tracks from Seattle’s finest, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, and Pearl Jam to choose from, the movie stood no chance in this contest.


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