Jacob Anderson introduces new clip from season 2 of IWTV

Feb 24, 2024 09:06

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For IGN's 2024 Fanfest Jacob Anderson revealed an extended/exclusive clip to preview the new season of 'Interview with the Vampire' highlighting Louis and Claudia.


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babycheeses1 February 24 2024, 17:52:27 UTC
I wonder if they'll ever cover the events in The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned??


automaticpeople February 24 2024, 17:59:31 UTC
Is the Vampire Lestat the one where he
[spoiler]rapes a woman?. If so, I hope that gets left out of any adaptation.


ponyboy February 24 2024, 18:01:34 UTC
nope. that is the one where we find out lestat is a literal motherfucker though


automaticpeople February 24 2024, 18:02:54 UTC
The books are kinda weird.


ponyboy February 24 2024, 18:13:28 UTC
books about vampires are supposed to be transgressive, it's the entire point of the genre. they ebb and flow in quality but at the core they're not supposed to be cozy sweet reads


automaticpeople February 24 2024, 18:20:12 UTC
Well yeah, but still weird.


babycheeses1 February 24 2024, 18:16:23 UTC
Wait does something like that happen in the later books?? I read until the Tale of the Body thief back when I was 13 💀 but I don't remember anything like that.

The Vampire Lestat covers his life before he met Louis. And, if I remember correctly, he also explains the events with Louis and Claudia from his pov


automaticpeople February 24 2024, 18:19:50 UTC
Yeah, it happens and I thought it was in the Vampire Lestat, but I must be remembering the wrong book.


frelling_tralk February 24 2024, 19:40:37 UTC
Vampires can’t physically have sex in the books, the rape happens in Tale of the Body Thief when Lestat swaps bodies and experiences being human again


automaticpeople February 24 2024, 19:57:27 UTC
I used to have one giant book that contained all of the stories and it was a long time ago when I read it. I really can’t remember which book is which anymore.


fernandocolunga February 24 2024, 20:19:41 UTC
How do L&L have sex then


euraylie February 24 2024, 20:24:15 UTC
They don’t in the books. It’s all more metaphysical and all about the lust for blood, which is presented very sexually


jennabee123 February 24 2024, 21:06:09 UTC
Didn’t Anne Retcon this that in the last 3 books they could fuck lol? The books are a wild ride, everything from mass killing of men to racism and pedophile. Like they’re vampires, they’re monsters, they’re trying to find faith and love and Lestat meets god/ Jesus lol


automaticpeople February 24 2024, 21:21:17 UTC
I think she did lol. Continuity wasn’t her strongpoint anyway.

Lestat is completely awful in the books (from what I remember) so when I see people complain about him being too horrible in the show, it makes me think they haven’t read them.


jennabee123 February 28 2024, 07:01:57 UTC
lol no it was not! She was like I’m messy and change my mind and I don’t care. I must have read it was changed on Reddit or Twitter and just taken it to heart.


euraylie February 24 2024, 22:58:52 UTC
I stopped at the Vampire Armand. Memnoch was kinda cool even though it was just nonsense


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