Songwriter Tiffany Red Calls Out Popular Singers for Stealing Publishing on Songs They Didn't Write

Feb 20, 2024 00:56

#Beyonce amongst other Artists are being accused of stealing publishings on songs they didn’t write. I believe every single word #TiffanyRed said.

When #Kelis was saying this very same thing about Beyonce stealing her samples for ENERGY on Renaissance, she was attacked on…
- Light Bearer (@LightBearer1984) February 19, Read more... )

music / musician, beyonce, #beyonce, rita ora, race / racism

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genbu_no_miko24 February 20 2024, 06:17:38 UTC
me: lol is Beyonce named?

*reads post*


Not surprised. I love Beyonce but she is so guilty of this!! It's been around for almost her career especially when she went solo! Her fanbase bending over backwards to defend is always super annoying 😒

Tale as old as time, bigger stars stealing and claiming songwriter credits for praise and money!

I know a lotta celeb do it for the creditability cause the industry can be elitist about songwriting. You get more respect in the industry if you write your own songs vs someone else doing the writing for you. This is why many pop girls get trashed and are called manufactured cause most of their songs are written someone else.

I've always said if Taylor didn't write her songs she wouldn't get as much praise as she does and would be ridiculed for the content.

Although being honest about your lack of songwriting skills can be beneficial. I forgot her name but I remember this one songwriter saying that the reason Britney Spears gets really good songs is because everyone in the songwriting community knows she won't steal or nudge her way in the writing credits. She was like Britney respects the writers and so when someone hears that Britney is interested in their songs, they i m m e d i a t e l y send it up to Britney! Doesn't matter who that song was originally was intended for it's gets sent to Britney if they find out.


donaestrangera February 20 2024, 06:20:30 UTC
re: your point about Britney, i've heard the same about Rihanna! she doesn't pretend she writes her own songs and is fine with giving credit where credit is due so songwriters like working with her.

i feel if Beyonce was more honest about her contribution or lack of to the songwriting aspect of her songs and emphasized the performance aspect where she truly is more talented than nearly everyone else, there wouldn't be such heat for her behind the scenes in the music industry. i remmeber reading some anonymous grammys ballots last year on lipstickalley where a lot of R&B voters were complaining about her stealing songwriting credits and would never vote for her in AOTY for that reason, on top of the other voters who don't want to vote for her for racist reasons.


genbu_no_miko24 February 20 2024, 06:25:01 UTC
I don't follow Rih that heavily but yeah I don't think I've ever heard people accusing her of stealing credits. I usually criticized Rih's lack of stage performance but if that's true about being fair with the crediting, then I do respect her for that.

And funny enough but Britney and Rihanna have been trashed for being trashy and manufactured and not seen as real artist early in their careers.

" lot of R&B voters were complaining about her stealing songwriting credits and would never vote for her in AOTY for that reason, on top of the other voters who don't want to vote for her for racist reasons."

If that's partially the reason for her not winning then I cunt feel too bad for her cause she deserves that blackballing and besides the racism it would~ sense as to why hasn't been able to win one.


shittysoup February 20 2024, 07:28:18 UTC
It's interesting because I feel like that's how a lot of SINGERS used to operate. We know Celine and Whitney never wrote their own shit and they never claimed to either. It didn't matter. Get the best song writers on the phone to write for the best singers/performers. Who cares if they wrote it. Even Elton John has a songwriting partner and he's not shy about it and it doesn't diminish his work.

Dolly broke this down on Howard Stern about Elvis being a little thief too, which is how Whitney ended up with "I Will Always Love You":

I actually feel like a part of the reason why music is less complex/kind of shit now is because artists are trying to be songwriters when they're just ...not lol. We need SONGWRITERS back in the mix front and centre and getting paid for it too.


genbu_no_miko24 February 20 2024, 07:54:30 UTC
Tbf that was more so Colonel Tom Parker who was being a little thief cause she never does blame Elvis for it.


shittysoup February 20 2024, 08:52:57 UTC
Sure but he was Elvis's manager. It's not like Elvis was blind to these practices. He was clearly fine with what he was doing.


genbu_no_miko24 February 20 2024, 09:10:51 UTC
Idk cause Colonel Tom def ran business and had a bit of controlling attitude towards him. Like Elvis probably was aware but the Colonel ran business.


re: taylor frejabehaerich February 20 2024, 06:25:34 UTC
all her lyrics are bad tho


Re: taylor genbu_no_miko24 February 20 2024, 06:35:15 UTC
Taylor is a classic case of right place, right time. When she debuted almost none of the current pop girls were known for songwriting. Taylor coming out with that guitar on her 24/7, having the non-sexed up sweet country girl who writes her own music helped her stand out from the other considered sexed-up manufactured pop girls.

For that alone she was given a lot of passes and more respect cause in the industry mind it was like "well at least she's authentic! and not grinding on a stripper pole". Her team knew what they were doing from jump!


Re: taylor shittysoup February 20 2024, 06:36:24 UTC
But they're hers and you know they're hers by how shit they are lol.

It's like how you can tell Mariah writes her lyrics just because they're SO Mariah. Nobody else is writing those words.


Re: taylor tinurix February 20 2024, 06:58:47 UTC
except the ones she steals


anachan87 February 20 2024, 09:51:03 UTC
"I've always said if Taylor didn't write her songs she wouldn't get as much praise as she does and would be ridiculed for the content."

possibly an unpopular opinion, but I know a lot of her fans praise her for that and also how she apparently turned down the first deal she was offered because it did not give her all the creative control that she wanted, and that is great for her. But at the same time, I think that this is also an instance of her rich privilege because she and her family were in a financial position where she could say no. Meanwhile, there is a long list of pop singers (including people who can write songs, or at least lyrics - they were just not permitted right away) who ended up with shitty deals simply because their families were struggling and they did not have the option to say "No thanks, I'll wait for a better deal."


genbu_no_miko24 February 20 2024, 20:25:40 UTC
Oh it’s not unpopular unless you’re super biased! It’s 100% fact that her upbringing gave a lot of privileges including this. Even the fact that her parents could move from Pennsylvania to Tennessee is part of that cause it’s not cheap to move state to state.


joe_pwnz_pete February 20 2024, 20:31:46 UTC
Nah, this isn't unpopular at all. It's pretty clear that Taylor had the family resources to pursue a deal she felt worked for her (at the time) as well as Sony had put her on a hold, basically, saying that they were gonna "develop" her for another year but not release anything or give her an album, and Taylor atp said she felt like she had reached the point where she needed to start putting what she made out there and Sony wasn't looking to do that for her.


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