Oscar-nominated "Nimona" is now on Youtube!

Feb 19, 2024 22:21

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In a surprise move, Netflix has uploaded the animated feature film in its entirety to their youtube channel.


ONTD, do you think the movie captured the comic's chaotic spirit?

netflix, film - fantasy, animation

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alwayspolaris February 19 2024, 21:50:36 UTC
Good for them, people deserve to see this movie.

I honestly loved all the changes to the movie vs. the original comic (it definitely kept most of the chaotic spirit though) that reflected Stevenson's real life transition. I thought it was a really thoughtful addition to the genre inversions that were already present in the comic and got better fleshed out in the film, it gave the story a lot of additional layers of meaning.

I've been a fan since the tumblr days I'm always happy to support Stevenson's work!


kjesta February 19 2024, 21:59:27 UTC
i too remember from the earlier tumblr days (anyone remember thranduil & the party elk? those were the days!) so it's wild to see how far this little story has gone. genuinely so happy for stevenson!

i will say that i think the film's art style is a downgrade because it feels bland compared to how offkilter and simple but expressive the comic was, wish some of that look had stuck around somewhere. the characters all look a little too babified to me with those enormous round eyes. but i can understand why these changes happen, and i'm just glad the story was done nicely and steven is happy with it!


sandstorm February 19 2024, 22:03:04 UTC

Yeah the style and the coloring is distracting to me, but I am proud of how far it has come!


alwayspolaris February 19 2024, 22:06:19 UTC
I agree, the art style itself was definitely less unique - I wish the team had worked with a 2D studio but I get why it was animated the way it was. I was just thinking storywise I did appreciate all the changes at least.

Also definitely remember the LoTR comic days, and all the little mini-comics in general.

... )


lovechild February 19 2024, 22:46:58 UTC
I adored their LOTR comics. The one where stoner grandpa Gandalf falls into water and his dirty gray shirt becomes white was hilarious.

And the Pokeymans! I forgot about those!


kjesta February 19 2024, 22:07:23 UTC
*stevenson, not steven, in that second paragraph. bloop, it's def bedtime for this tired ol' brain lol.


trowa February 19 2024, 22:53:11 UTC
Sassy Party Thranduil gave me so much life back then.


kansascshuffle February 20 2024, 07:33:13 UTC
I was never familiar with the comic before the movie, but I wasn't a huge fan of the style either. It did grow on me though as I got into the story.


flash_indie February 20 2024, 00:01:36 UTC
Agreed! I've been following Stevenson since then too, and it was so beautiful to see the story evolve to reflect his journey. It felt especially special for me too getting to watch this new version of the story for the first time with my 6 and 7yo nephews just to see them fall completely in love with it. I was looking after them for the weekend and we watched it three times, and then when my sister came to pick them up, she ended up having to stay for dinner because they wanted to show it to her right away too (she also loved it and said it's in regular rotation for them now, haha).


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