Guess Who's Johnny Depp's New Bestie

Feb 14, 2024 20:48

Johnny Depp has spent more than seven weeks in Saudi Arabia over the past year, traversing the country by yacht and helicopter. In that time, Depp and the crown prince have made “a genuine connection.”

- VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) February 14, 2024

If you guessed MBS, congratulations. I guess you had that on your 2024 bingo card.

In case you forgot, Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud ordered a hit on journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was chopped into little pieces by Saudi agents at a consulate in Turkey. He is also into EDM and sci fi movies. Here are a few tidbits from the above linked article.

  • Depp stays at royal palaces.
  • Johnny Depp made a painting for him.
  • They stay up all night chit chatting on MBS's 439 foot yacht. The yacht can be transformed into a nightclub with party lights and top of the line DJ equipment. Drinking is allowed on yachts for foreigners because they're technically not on Saudi soil.
  • Depp borrowed MBS's 747 so he could see the Jeff Beck memorial concert at the Royal Albert.
  • MBS & Co. want Saudi Arabia to be destination for the arts and filmmaking. They've sunk millions into productions through the through the Red Sea Film Foundation, including the notoriously over-budget one where Depp looks stupid in a powdered wig. They are also producing a movie directed by Depp about Alberto Modigliani, who made skinny sculptures and shit. Did you know Al Pacino is going to be in it?
  • Francis Ford Coppola was invited to the Red Sea Film Festival but declined the invitation because unlike Johnny Depp, he doesn't think it's cool to hang out with dictators who murder journalists.
  • Depp's been offered a job with an annual seven figure salary to do spon con for Saudia Arabia, I guess.


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film, johnny depp, new couple alert, politics
