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cbluechicken February 9 2024, 17:57:40 UTC
I mean she's a grown woman but I'm 30 and I cannot imagine dating someone 60 and what we would have in common. But to each their own!


peachypearl February 9 2024, 18:11:50 UTC
I can!!!! <3333 But not with that thing up there


cbluechicken February 9 2024, 18:16:41 UTC
I'm not attracted to him but I do think he looks good for his age.


peachypearl February 9 2024, 18:51:02 UTC
Yes I would have neutral/good things to say about his appearance if he wasn't a horrific person. I mean I do like my men a little more on the Gremlin-esque side but hey..


cbluechicken February 9 2024, 19:18:20 UTC
oh I feel like i'm so out of the loop of what he's done oop


peachypearl February 9 2024, 20:27:45 UTC
Don't look it up unless you're in the mood to get really angry!


crazyfreakyaj February 11 2024, 00:47:30 UTC
Dude what rock have you been living under? Did you take a ONTD sabbatical for the last decade? I’m shocked.


oldmoviesnstuff February 9 2024, 18:18:36 UTC
I feel attracted to certain 60s to but sex-wise I am just not sure


peachypearl February 9 2024, 18:52:45 UTC
Well the peen can look a little frightening BUT if it can still take a walk around the block I am okay with all of that.


evillemmons February 9 2024, 18:20:43 UTC
notoriousreign February 9 2024, 18:20:44 UTC
I'm a year younger than her and I just can't imagine it too like... that's my dad's age group come on lol. But yeah to each their own.


filmstudent23 February 9 2024, 18:25:59 UTC
I can think of two reasons that might have driven her to this situation: Daddy issues or financial stress.


fernandocolunga February 9 2024, 18:53:13 UTC

probably both


sweetwaterlane February 9 2024, 23:55:26 UTC

Hmm, I think if it's a hot 60 year old i'd be interested so long as I wasn't looking for a marriage/kids or lifetime commitment (because it wouldn't be fun having your 40's and 50's devoted to caring for another person, unless they're financially loaded). Like I could see the appeal for someone who just wants to have fun with a good partner for a few years.

But yea i imagine most people are looking for more than that and also there aren't a ton of 60 year old men that are attractive.

And i guess there are some people who don't care about sex in a relationship, just good companionship. That woman who married 90-something year old Dick Van Dyke seems to be smitten with him and happy, and vice versa, so as long as they're having fun and no one's being exploited, why not.


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